Body lift surgery in Mexico, Costa Rica, Phillipines, India, etc.

I found information on cosmetic surgery outside of the U.S. which should be less expensive. Has anyone had body lift surgery outside of the U.S.? If so, I'm looking for: 1. cost (surgery, aftercare, etc.) 2. what country 3. name of doctor, hospital, company, etc. 4. your reccommendation 5. issues Thank you    — bigjc (posted on November 15, 2008)

November 15, 2008
I live in Indonesia and have looked into the prices for body lift, et al, in the area. I have not done it yet, but have heard good reports on the hospitals in Malaysia, Bangkok and India. The prices that I got for a body lift, tummy tuck, boob lift, and having my arms done was a total of about $10K-$13K. American doctors overseas with me are the ones telling me that these places (especially India and Bangkok) are good hospitals. You might also consider Europe. I had my gastric bypass 2 1/2 years ago in Belgium and it cost a little less than $15,000 at that time (insurance paid for it...but that's how much it cost), and the hospitals were fantastic. Hospitals in Singapore are also fantastic...and I'm sure they can do the body lift, but I don't know the cost there...I just know from an unrelated surgery I had last year that I know in the U.S. would have been around $50K-$75K was $27K in Singapore. Good luck.
   — Hollywog

November 16, 2008
I had Lap Band surgery and a tummy tuck. I am very happy with it. I went to Mexico here is the web site their prices are great and they are so nice and the work is great.
   — dammfamily

November 24, 2008
i watched a special on ohrah about the plastic surgery disasters in Mexico. Apparently many of these surgeons are not certified and they have really botched some peoples surgerys and given them some serious long term damage. please do as much research as you can on the doctor and find some testimonials of people that have been to that praticular doctor.
   — beyond_blessed1

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