I know a plateaus can last 6 weeks...But I need some support

I am so sorry to bug but I need a little reassurance, I had open RNY on 10/6/08 I am almost 4 months. I have lost 74 lbs. but the last 3 to 4 weeks, nothing! I know this is part of the process, I have read so many of these posts, but it is totally different when it happens to you. I walk, swim, and I was lifting wieghts but had to stop becasue I over did it. Please help me! Just words of incouragement is what I need. I just look in the mirror and I still see the same old me nothing new, but I know I have lost. Thank you so much for letting me vent to you I am usually just a lurker, reading posts, and getting excited that everyone looks so good. Thanks again in advance!! Marla the old    — prudee2 (posted on February 2, 2009)

February 2, 2009
Marla, You're success thus far should truly be your own source of encouragement! A 74 pound weight loss in just four months is a tremendous amount of weight and you really should feel proud of that! 74 lbs is what my 10 year old son weighs!! Imagine that in a visual and you can see just how significant that really is. You will continue losing, don't worry. Remember that it took years to pack on the pounds so don't let your desire to be thin right away discourage you...the weight will come off. Be consistent in your nutrition plan as well as your exercise routine and be patient. Keep working toward your goal and it might seem easier for you to set small goals... Look through magazines and find outfits that you adore and want to wear and post them in a special place to remind you that you WILL meet that goal and you WILL wear those pretty clothes before you know it!! You can do it and honestly, the fact that you have come all this way having endured this surgery already says you're a winner!! We're here for you to lean on... :-)
   — Elizabeth J.

February 2, 2009
Marla Hi, 74 pounds wow that is awesome. I had RNY 7/08 and have lost 120 pounds I have 80 pounds left to go.I hear ya at times it just seems to sit no matter what we do. Looking in the mirror at 70 pounds I saw the same person and nothing changing at least to me everyone else was telling me how great I was looking and it takes a while for our heads to catch up with our bodys. I bet you have lost a lot of inches even with no pounds lost, working out and exercising you can put on muscles and that is what happened with me also. The weight stayed the same for a few weeks I was thinking the worse but isnt that what we do when we have something good? I was thinking how I stretched my stomach blah blah ------- I wasnt eating wrong just thinking the worst, thinking what was wrong with me, we seem to sabatog (SP) ourselves. LOL try not to weigh daily one time a week or every other is good and things will pick back up you come so far do not give up you can do it continue what you have done to get this far. proud of you girl keep up the great work and have patience,
   — Tammi Sandoval

February 2, 2009
I didn't see any weight loss on myself until I had dropped about 65 lbs...But once you begin getting smaller and smaller 10 and even 5 lbs makes a huge difference! Our bodies demand a break and take it...And even though your scale is not moving...If you measure yourself, you will see you are losing inches and the scale will catch up...It's frustrating because it reminds you of all the diets that worked for a little while and then there was the dreaded stall which lead to gaining all that weight back...But....this is not those old diets! These plateaus are a part of the process...and you are probably going to see a loss any day now! My first long stall I thought...Oh no...It's over...then I lost 4 lbs in one day and another 4 a few days later! The rest of my year and a half went like that...Give yourself at least a year...I lost for 15 months with plenty of plateaus and each one I thought was the end! LOL...It wasn't until of course that day came and I was no longer an obese woman...You are doing well...Hugs and wishes for health and success!
   — .Anita R.

February 2, 2009
Marla, You aren't an old prude, lol. Just be proud of your success so far. Keep exercising or just walking when you need to cut back on exercise. That still counts. Its better than the alternative of letting obesity kill you. All of us here have made a life decision not to let that happen to us. So keep going we are right there with you in spirit. vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

February 2, 2009
Hi Marla, Losing 74 pounds is awesome. When I had lost about 75 lbs I hit a BIG plateau for about 4 to 6 weeks. I also started getting worried. I had RNY 10/06 and have lost a total of 257 pounds, I have 25 more to go. Even when I look in the mirror now my head still has not caught up with my loss. Sometimes I still see that same person at 427 pounds, but everyone tells how great I was look. Just hang in there cause I bet you have lost a lot of inches and you will start seeing the results soon. Remember muscle weights more than fat but a lot healthier. You have done a fantastic job for only 4 months out.
   — sparkle8062

February 2, 2009
O.K., CONGRATULATIONS, you are 74lbs closer to your goal. You are exercising and eating right, your body will do the rest, just give it time. A word of advice from one post-op to another...stay off the scale. Try weighing yourself once a month or twice a month. This makes the celebration funner. Look at the size on the tags of your clothes, look at all of the things you can do now that you couldn't do before. It doesn't mean your going to park your journey here, just give yourself some TLC and LOVE where you are at today. BEST OF LUCK!!
   — bariatricdivalatina

February 3, 2009
Have someone take a picture of you. Compare it to an old picture of yourself. You will see the difference and it will make you feel much better. I used to measure myself every month. Why don't you try that?
   — Carlyn M.

February 3, 2009
It's hard when you hit a plateau. I am almost to goal and have actually gained three pounds as I've stepped up my strength training. My size is still decreasing, but there's nothing like a new number on the scale, right? Hang in there and keep doing the good things that got you that 74 pound weight loss and it will happen.
   — Shirley D.

February 3, 2009
Your doing great. I'm near 3 months out. I see stalls so I stop weighing myself. I start looking at how my clothes fit. Today, I was pleasantly surprised to see that my 4lb poodle hop on my lap while i was driving. she fit between me and the steering wheel. Hadn't felt like anything was going on but that was a nice surprise. You are doing great. Keep up the good work. Best wishes.
   — Corina C

February 3, 2009
Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement! I greatly appreciate it! I kept telling myself these feelings of failure would pass but it wasn't getting any better, and come to find out, just your support made me feel much better! Thank you, Thank you! I can't say it enough! Big hugs to all of you!
   — prudee2

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