What is the estimated/average weight loss per week with RNY?

   — losriosgirl (posted on March 30, 2010)

March 30, 2010
I lost 110 lbs in around 7 1/2 months.
   — FSUMom

March 30, 2010
Stephanie everyone will loose differently due to their starting weight, desired ending weight, medical conditions and their commitment to exercise. I used this link for a guideline. Fill in the information then preess calculate. That will take you to a page showing your goal weight and what you can "expect" to loose each month. Good luck Stephanie!
   — Caribou ME

March 30, 2010
Everyone is different, I was told some people gain after surgery due to fluid but this goes fast. I had surgery 12/09 and am down 54lbs. It's slowed down as time goes on cause I'm eating real food vs. mush and liquid.
   — fortywhat2

March 30, 2010
I had my RNY on 01/13/10 and I have lost 72 LBS.. it has slowed down to about 4lbs a week now... I think I need to Kick up the work outs! =) GL girl! You will get there everyone is diffrent!
   — Kimsback

March 31, 2010
i'v lost 100+. wls 24 nov 09, they say that is to fast. i work out 2 1/2 hrs per day every day . i eat very little. 2 protein drinks a day 1 yogurt at night 2-3 table spoons of food per day, a piece of lunch meat for lunch. plus all vits &suppliments that are requird. no defiecencys in labs so far. every body says i don't eat enough, but i haven't fallen over from malnutrition and iwork out more than everybody in our group. i'm at 20+lbs per month. dr says evbery thing OK. everybody has a different pace. good luck hank
   — hanksguns

March 31, 2010
I lost on the average about 6.25 lbs per week. But everyone is different, and it also depends on how much weight you have to lose. From what I understand, the more weight a person has to lose; the slower it comes off. long as it is coming off, that is the main thing. We didn't put the weight on overnight so it won't come off over night. Be patient. It will all come off in due time.
   — Kristy

March 31, 2010
I had RNY 11/08 and lost 150 lbs in 6 months and then it tapered off. Have not met goal yet just a little more which is the hardest. Everyone is different, hang in there, it will start falling off with amazement! Good Luck!
   — Tina B.

March 31, 2010
I have lost 5 lbs per week.I'd like to lose more but my dr is happy with it.
   — sarahthedoula

March 31, 2010
My surgeon says 1/2 lb a day is adverage. I'm still waiting for surg too, 5/4 for me. I understand the anxiety. I truely understand the need for support. Make friends here on OH, all are happy to help. Hugs. Jane
   — Jane W.

March 31, 2010
Hi, I went in for my 2 wk post op today and was down 17 lbs since 3-10-10, I ony had to do a total of 3 wks on liqueds one week pre op and 2 wks after. I'm happy because I'm going in the right direction. They seem to be happy with my progress at the Dr's office and I look forward to be in a new number bracket very soon.. Yipee.. Like everyone has said I think everyone loses wt. differently the important thing is to be losing. Keep up the good work..
   — karabwi

March 31, 2010
I lost 163lbs in 9mo. Weight loss is slowing down to about 10lbs/mo but I'm still losing.
   — KiaSunRay

April 3, 2010
I'm losing about 5lbs a week. doctor was happy with it. It's been one month.
   — cocopierre

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