Can anyone ever eat Popcorn again ?? had Sleeve 5/6/10 Help !!!

   — punky57 (posted on June 19, 2010)

June 18, 2010
YES,most can but would limit the amt. I had RNY
   — Jane W.

June 19, 2010
I had a VSG on 3/15/10 and have had popcorn at the movies, etc.
   — KristalleH

June 19, 2010
As strange as this may possibly sound (I had rny on 12/29/09), both popcorn and believe it or not NACHO chips (and yes with salsa) were one of the first "hard" solids I was able to eat and digest well. By mid-February (8 weeks out) I ate popcorn regularly as well as nacho chips with salsa. But again, remember everything in moderation. Any WLS is a tool and you cannot force yourself to consume foods that are not good choices for you and expect to maintain any amount of weight loss (i.e., greasy, buttery and high-fat content movie theatre popcorn, etc.) Good luck. Before you know it you'll consider all of this old hat and you won't be the newbie with little knowledge, but if you follow sage advice you'll be part of the weight-loss bench for life! Best of luck!!!
   — momeego

June 19, 2010
Boy Oh Boy !!!! Do I Love these Answers :) I will be a good Girl................. Thank you !!!!!!!
   — punky57

June 19, 2010
Once again as I read these posts, I see how conservative my Dr is when it comes to diet. I am not allowed to eat popcorn, and no gum chewing. Also I have to wait 30 minutes before and after I eat to drink liquids. I am also supposed to wait until 18 months after my surgery to drink. I drank 3 weeks ago and my Dr had a hissy. I would say ask you your Dr, I do nothing unless my Dr says it is okay. I am so petrified of gaining that I watch what I eat too. I was underweight and I had to eat, but I couldn't eat enough with only eating 3 times a day, so now I eat 6 small meals, it is scary. I do not want to gain weight back, I never, ever want to be chubby again. Plus, I went through hell and back with this surgery and the first year. Finally after 11 months I am feeling much better, but I still am not able to tolerate protein in the meat form.
   — FSUMom

June 19, 2010
I'm 15 months out from RNY, and I occasionally sneak a handful or two of my partner's popcorn when we're at the movies, but that might be once every two or three months. I do not eat much, nor do I eat it regularly. The dietician at my surgeon's office says that it is nothing but empty calories...fills us up without giving us anything nutritional. She pretty much demands that anything we put into our bodies contribute in some way to the extremely modified nutritional demands of our bodies after surgery. I always make sure that I have some "snack" type foods with me when I go to the movies, so that I don't feel deprived. I usually take a baby bel lite cheese, or some string cheese or a handful of mixed nuts, or a low carb Protein Bar...and maybe a container of CarbMasters yogurt, and of course - my ever-present stash of bottled water with Crystal Light with Fiber, or CL "focus" or CL "energy" hidden in my purse.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

June 19, 2010
Had RNY 2 June 2009 and just recently began eating popcorn. I pop it myself and only eat the soft areas of the kernel and throw away the hard area. Plus I never eat more than a cup. On the rare days I do I forgo one of my carbs that day. Popcorn was always one of my favorite snacks so beginning to eat it again has really been a treat......
   — karensaporito

June 19, 2010
If you had the sleeve, then you should have no problem with popcorn once your stomach heals. Popcorn is only a problem for patients who have had the lap band and the Gastric Bypass.
   — hubarlow

June 20, 2010
I had ds on 12/17/09 I'm able now to eat popcorn and corn chips of course in small amounts. If your not able to eat popcorn yet maybe it's too soon for you. I would wait to try it again in 4 or 5 months. Good Luck on your journey to new a life!
   — Mary D.

June 20, 2010
Hello = ) I had a laproscopic gastric bypass 3 months ago with a lot of complications, I even had to be operated on twice . . . The second time being to loosen the opening of my pouch. I'm fine now Thank GOD and can eat just about everything includimg popcorn which happens to be my favorite snack! Just like my best friend who had the op told me . . . .don't be afraid to try new foods, you have to see what your body can take and what it can't. Good luck!
   — Time_for_Monica

June 20, 2010
Yes, you can eat popcorn. I enjoy it occasionally. Had RNY August 12, 2009. Just go easy and chew, chew, chew.
   — Peggie

June 20, 2010
I eat popcorn all the time. It was one of the few nibblers that I could eat early on. Never gave me one bit of trouble. I was surprised by that, but have heard the same from other bypass patients.
   — Debbi S.

June 20, 2010
I have the vertical sleeve gastrectomey along the with the bileo-pancreatic duodenal swich, sometimes they just call us DS'ers and I can eat popcorn, but I pass gas afterwords, but so does my fiance' pass gas after eating popcorn and he has a normal digestive tract.
   — Melinda B.

June 20, 2010
I don't think anyone will be able to tell you yes or no that you can or cannot eat popcorn again because we all react differently to our WLS. I can tell you though that as time has passed, I have been able to add things to my diet that were questionable foods before surgery like dairy products and raw veggies. I'm about 8 months out from RNY, I can pretty much eat anything including chocolate and sugar. But BE CAREFUL!! I think the question you have to ask yourself is, "Do you want to eat that stuff again?". After all, that's the food that put me in the situation I was in to make me have WLS. Another question to ask is, "Has my mental attitude changed sufficiently that I can, on occasion, indulge in a "no-no" food and then get back on track again with my "protein rich" foods and diet the very next meal?" I've found I've lost my taste for over indulgence of such foods since my WLS but they are enjoyable on occasion and very digestible for me personally in very small amounts! The only thing I've found I cannot digest is pecans. Right now, I've only 48 more pounds to lose to reach my goal. Mentally, I will not let anything detour me away from that goal or maintaining it when I reach it! I've had too many bad experiences and too much heartache to go back to the way things were before yet I know it can be extremely easy to slip back into the "old ways". All the weight I've lost (173 lbs - my highest was 365 lbs), can be gained back plus more if I abandon my good "protein" eating habits now. It's a risky venture. Give yourself a few months of healing and sticking religiously to your protein rich diet, your fluid intake, and vitamins. Follow your doctor's advice and instructions to the last jot and tittle for the next few months. Remember that popcorn will not be taken off the supermarket shelves. It will be readily available forever. You however need to give yourself time to heal and your body to adjust to the new you. Let your body lose the majority of the excess weight before you attempt to give it things it does not need right now. Just relax and watch your body shrink as you follow your doctors instructions and your surgeon's diet. Take care of yourself and be patient. You can do without the popcorn for now. Just focus on losing the weight and then add things later when you've had a chance to heal. You'll have plenty of time to "test the waters" if you would. Good luck and God bless in your WLS journey!
   — annteekee

June 20, 2010
I LOVE air popped popcorn (no butter and no salt) in limited qualities with a liberal sprinkle of cayenne pepper. It is nice and spicy, tons of flavor, increases your metabolism, and has virtually no calories. According to my doctor, it is the closest thing to a free carb as you can get, and it contains much needed fiber.Lf course, you don't eat very much - but then we don't eat much of anything do we :D. Another advantage, for those of us who do really like spicy food, it is a great way to satisfy that craving in a pretty harmless manner. Then there is the added bonus of helping me get through my water for the day!!! All around, if I am feeling snacky, that is the first place I reach. My non wls friends LOVE LOVE LOVE it too.
   — Jeanette Hagar

June 23, 2010
I had my band put in in Feb 2010.I asked my doc about popcorn before the surgery.He said i could eat it.I need the fiber in my all time favorite food.Guess what?Yes,I can eat far it doesnt get stuck in the band.Im a happy lapbander!
   — rosesrbl

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