Did anyone suffer from skin cysts prior to surgery?

I have suffered from cysys on the skin that can become sore when they are about to burst and then tend to bleed or ooze through clothing (needless to say, white is not a staple in my wardrobe). Has anyone had any ezperience with these types of sores (cysts) and have they cleared up with surgery?    — emnort (posted on June 7, 2006)

June 7, 2006
Hi there! Prior to surgery, for many years I would develop these disgusting things under one arm. Doctors all thought it was because of deodorant or a blocked pore. I found out finally by trial and error that it was because of the difference in the size of my breasts causing one side of my underwire to rub and eventually caused a cyst. I would have to burst them myself because they became so painful I could not even lower my arm. Thankfully, since having surgery, and since losing 170 pounds, I have not experienced even one. My breasts are still different sizes *and many sizes smaller.. but without the extra weight I have been able to purchase underpinnings that are well-fitting and also now there is no friction under my arm all day. I still have ugly scars from the cysts I used to have, but as I am sure we all agree: the scars on our body now are far better than the pain we used to feel!
   — dragonfly0125

June 7, 2006
I have gotten these for the past few years. They are called Sebaceous Cysts and I was told that they should dissipate after weight loss. I didn't have them before I gained so much, so I would assume that they would go away as well. My doctor gives me Omnicef antibiotics every few months when they get their worst. They are at their worst, for me, when summer months come. I have found that cleansing the affected areas twice daily with an antibacterial soap and then using a topical acne cream with benzoil peroxide in it helps a lot to prevent the worst of them. Hope this helps
   — oceanrayne

June 7, 2006
WOW I have forgotten about these cysts....I haven't had one since my surgery. I can actually say I don't miss them either. Another WOW moment I overlooked. Debbie
   — dcox94

June 7, 2006
Hi Emily....I am a dermatology physician assistant. Are the cysts in the underarms, under the breasts and/or groin? Do they come in crops are several at a time?If so, It is possible that you have a condition called hidradenitis suppurativa. It is more common in people who are obese and most likely will improve after surgery. It may not go away completely. This condition is very difficult to treat. I hope that you get some relief after surg!!! Good luck to you!
   — SteffieBear15

June 7, 2006
Emily, I've read the above replies and there is one thing you should check out. People (regardless of their weight) with recurring cysts or abscesses should see their primary care provider about them and insist that one of the active cysts be cultured. An increasingly common problem is a resistant bacterial infection called "community acquired MRSA," or CA-MRSA. If you have this, you will need a combination of antibiotics to get rid of it. It would not be good to have surgery before this is ruled out. Good luck!
   — JoeysMom

June 7, 2006
Hello! Yes, I used to get those painful, ugly, oozey cysts very often! My underarms, my chest area, my groin and rear-end, and under the rolls in my tummy. =( Since my surgery, I have MUCH more loose, flappy, overhanging skin... But so far I have not had one of those cysts!!! Yay! So yes, it will get better. I do have a scar from a really bad one that was under my left arm: I am hoping that when I get plastic surgery, (arms and breasts) that he can take care of that indented scar too! We shall see. God Bless you! Amanda in Akron (Ohio) DS on 09/22/2005 364/224/130 sw/cw/gw -140 pounds and counting!!! 5'3" tall 22 years old
   — AmandaLeigh =)

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