I am 2 weeks post op and was wandering if i could eat some grapefruit anyone tried th

is?    — Mrs.Cameron33 (posted on March 27, 2008)

March 27, 2008
No, there is too much acid and it could make you sick. I would not risk it. I notice after 4 months it is not on my list of OK foods yet, from my doctor.
   — William (Bill) wmil

March 27, 2008
I think that grapefruit at 2 weeks has way too much citrus for you to handle. At three months I tried pineapple which is not a citrus fruit and I thought it would kill me. Very painful about 4 hours later. I'm thinking because of the sugar.
   — bumstier

March 27, 2008
No raw fruits or veggies for much longer than two weeks...This will burn! You need to heal...don't eat it yet...
   — .Anita R.

March 27, 2008
Citrus should DEFINITELY NOT be on your list at 2 weeks. Consult with your doctor as to when he thinks it would be good for you but things like oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits and TOMATOES should be OFF your list right now.
   — hubarlow

March 27, 2008
   — niecie54

March 28, 2008
You need to wait at least 6 weeks to 2 months before you even think of having grapefruit. I am 3 1/2 weeks out and was given the OK on OJ and V8. Have had OJ and not having any trouble. Any soft fruit is OK as long as you put it in the blender. Make sure it is canned not fresh. Too much acid in fresh fruits. Good Luck, Paula B
   — paulajaneb

March 28, 2008
grapefruit is not premitted until you are about 2 yrs post-op as I was told by the bariatric coordinator. The pulp in the grapefruit or celery or persimmons will get lodged or stuck in the healing places of your pouch and cause much pain and problems. I had a craving for the grapefruits and oranges a week or so after wls and wanted so bad to try it, but chickened out due to what was told about the pulp. I was also told to not drink orange juice with pulp and to wait until my pouch was completely healed about 8 weeks. I have problems now with the citrus foods and stay away from them if I can. I do eat grapefruit every now and then and I buy the sections in the jar at Walmart in pear juice, I believe. Being 2 weeks post-op is not a good idea to eat anything citrus. Follow your surgeons rules for wls.
   — mspisces

March 28, 2008
I have been told that the membranes inside should not be eaten as they will/may plug the hole. I wouldn't chance it unless it is watered down and in juice form.
   — jennycad

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