im 16 months out and stuck, what can i do to begin losing again...?

ive been at this weight about 6-7 months, ive lost 145 pounds total..does your body just stop where it should be or can i do something to begin losing again? i used to be sick all the time throwing up but when i had my gallbladder removed in aug/07 i have only been sick once. it is like that surgery stopped my weight loss. i do eat more now, like i can almost eat a whole sandwich (just so u know how much i can eat) im getting frustrated! i also actually 'feel hungry' more often now...! any jelp would be appreciated! thanks! ~brandy~    — BikerBabe74 (posted on April 2, 2008)

April 1, 2008
Brandy, Dont get discouraged. You have lost 145 lbs! WOW! I'm not even going to try to solve your "issue"... Your body has to 'catch up' with itself... and think about it... a whole sandwich???? when would you have stopped at just one sandwich? That's "normal".... I have been out a little over 5 years and sometimes I can eat a whole sandwich and sometimes I cant..but, my body stopped at around 150 lbs... I fluctuate a little up/down... but girl I'LL TAKE IT! y'know? I'm proud of you... don't kick yourself down... you've accomplished a lot already! You're a winner in my book! Have a blessed day. Laxi
   — 502Laxi

April 2, 2008
I am having the same problem Brandy. I am still about 30 lbs from the goal the dr. gave me. I was suppose to lose 100 lbs and have only lost 76. I am still in a size 18. I hear of all these that went from a 24 to a size 2 and I am frustrated. Hang in there. I'm trying also.
   — Claudia C.

April 2, 2008
Brandy, are you healthy? For me, thats the most important goal, not a number. DO NOT pay attention to those that say they went from a size 28 to a size 2. I believe that these are tne exceptions, not the rule and if we fall into the habit of beating ourselves up over how much weight we have or have not lost, the we are not better off than before. 145lbs is a phenomenal accomplishment!
   — Jeanne Aldrich

April 2, 2008
Brandi...congrats on your 145lbs...That is wonderful! Truly it is! The body does stop by itself when you are near your ideal weight. I think it always gives you at least a 20+ pound cushion...You might need to up your exercise and protein and shake things up with your metabolism...(such as raise and lower your intake and see if that doesn't move the scale needle) What you need to do now is make sure you do not begin eating more than you should (such as measuring food so you don't over eat) And keeping an eye on calories which are the only things along with sugar that we do not malabsorb! You might want to cut back on carbs that are not complex (I noticed you mentioned a sandwich and bread is not a complex carb unless it is whole grain) Try to keep your protein up and watch the sugar and bad carbs. (carbs/sugar will definately cause hunger pangs) Cutting them out will end that!!! That should at least get you moving the scale a little...Don't expect big numbers or fast times again...It's over sweetie! You are in charge now and it's very slow moving now...Just enjoy your success and whatever you do...don't allow a number to define you. We can't all be feather weights...I'm 165 lbs and wear a size 8. My goal was 160...but secretly I hoped for 140's...I look like 140 and I feel great! So who cares if I am not 140 or 160 for that matter? My BMI says I am overweight...all the other calculators say I am not...I like exactly how I am..If I lose a little don't want to gain though. I have maintained my weight for 4 years with minor fuxes in the winter. I get it back in control as soon as I start getting active in summer... Good luck sweetie
   — .Anita R.

April 3, 2008
Brandi congrats on your success 145 lbs. is an awesome feat. It would help though if your were to post some info on your profile so that others could assist you more easily with answers to your questions. Best wishes, Joni
   — jonicorona

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