
Hi, I am 5'6' & weigh 310. I have slightly high blood pressure no meds and my chol is high. My doc wants me to work on this thru diet before putting me on meds. My question is with my BMI of 46 is this enough to be covered? I have UPMC PPO. Any help would be great. Thank you so much    — betsy09 (posted on February 6, 2009)

February 6, 2009
A BMI of 46, even without co-morbidities is plenty high for the sugery, yes. A BMI of 40 is the baseline without any other life threatening issues and 35 or higher with other health issues is accepted. Best of luck to you.
   — Elizabeth J.

February 6, 2009
Yes its high enough to be accepted. Diet is fine but what meds does your doc want you to take? Are you also a Type 2 diabetic? Some answers I'd want before I just opted for diet and meds. Just some thoughts. Just try on your own if you like yogurt a flavor you like as a snack. Bet it will help or even sugar free pudding. Let us know what happens. Good Luck and God Bless vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

February 6, 2009
First of all, using the BMI calculator, 5'6" and 310 puts you at a BMI of 50. I would think that would qualify you. Best of luck!
   — Wendy M.

February 8, 2009
I've been calling around for to see if there are others for my insurance, and in the process have been told that the BMI number is 40 for a sure coverage. Mine is 44.5, so I fit it too. Good luck :)
   — BroadwayRose

February 8, 2009
Thank you all so much for helping me! I am going to a WLS seminar next, hopefully that will start the ball rolling. This surgery is all I can think about. Will you keep you all posted.
   — betsy09

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