Do you have to go on a special diet after gall bladder removal?

Hey! Im having my gall bladder removed tomorrow due to stones. I was wondering since your gall bladder helps digest food do you have to go on a certain diet after the surgery?    — barfiep01 (posted on March 24, 2009)

March 24, 2009
not me! I had my gall bladder removed March 2005! No problems since and no special diet! Good luck, Rena RNY 4/30/08 Duke NC 110lbs; 117 lbs gone Forever!!
   — RenaMansi

March 24, 2009
It should not make a differance since you already had the RNY surgery.
   — trible

March 24, 2009
I made it 4 months post-op before mine had to come out. My surgeon (same as with RNY)said that I could go back to my regular diet when ever I felt like it. Good luck. Paula
   — Paula K.

March 24, 2009
I had my gallbladder removed 4 years ago, and I had to stay on my NO fat diet for 2 weeks after my surgery, after that my dr said I could start to eat regularly....NOT REALLY I still can't tolerate certain foods (too fatty)... but since you already had the RNY the low fat diet is your regular diet..
   — wendy-s

March 24, 2009
I had mine removed laproscopicly back in September of 1995. I had no resrictions whatsoever. Good Luck tomorrow.
   — Kathleen W.

March 25, 2009
I had my gallbladder removed 07/07 and have had no problems or issues with my diet - and best of all - no more gallbladder attacks! Good luck!
   — dnefews

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