
I had lapband on 8/20/09 lost really well for first 4 weeks. Had 1st fill of 4cc on 10/6. I have only lost 4-5 pounds since then and can eat everything and anything. Is that normal? I am getting discouraged and angry with myself. Any suggestions? Again, is this normal?    — cjjrn1 (posted on November 12, 2009)

November 12, 2009
Doesn't sound totally right, contact your doctor, he/she would give the best advice. Hang in there. Lisa
   — LClaar1959

November 12, 2009
It sounds like you need a "fill". I am 5 years post-op with the Lap-Band and I am at my goal weight. It took me 3 1/2 years to reach my goal, but I feel 20 years younger. The first year I had a fill every month. After the fist year and a half, I had a fill about every other month. Everyone is different, and your need for a fill will change over time. The closer you are to your goal weight, the less often you'll need a fill. I still see my surgeon at least every other month (monthly if I'm having any problems). I also keep BOTH my surgeon and family physician up-to-date on all of my health issues. Never be afraid to ask questions of your surgeon. And become as informed as you can about your surgery. Join a WLS support group and attend regularly (your surgeon should know of one near you). If you can't find one, I'd be glad to answer any questions you have. I have been a support group leader for almost 5 years now. Congratulations on your surgery, and welcome to this exciting journey toward good health. God Bless.
   — KimM

November 12, 2009
At this point, it's normal to lose only 1-2 lbs per week from now on. Eating anything is great. The amounts should only be 3 tablespoons at a time every 3-4 hours. If you can easily eat more, then you need your band refilled.
   — shotseyrudi

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