Prolonged dizziness, poss. ear or thyroid, not really WLS related.

OK, about three months ago I started noticing I was becoming a little disoriented when I was driving. It was irritating and I ignored it for a week or so. However it got worse so I felt it warrented a trip to the doc. I've seen the doctor 4 times since and am on my 4th round of antibiotics. I had a pretty bad sinus infection and it appears I have some fluid in my ears, according to the doc. Both docs in the office feel that I have a problem with my thyroid, but the TCH and the T3 came back normal. (Will be testing again along with T4 on Monday) They feel this way because my neck is larger than normal and I was having difficulty regulating my breathing and having panic attacks. (I was unaware these were all related) Now, here is my is next to impossible to drive. I can function around the house, but the moment I get in the car, the movement messes me up pretty bad. This is THE single most irritating thing I have ever encountered in my life and I want it gone. I know this isn't really WLS related but there are a large amount of people available here for some brain picking. Has anyone here had issues with extended dizziness like this, or maybe thyroid issues that have caused these syptoms? If so, I'd really love some insight. Thanks-Rebecca    — RebeccaP (posted on December 8, 2005)

December 8, 2005
Hi Rebecca - my mother suffers from this dizziness quite frequently and she is not able to drive most times. She has been to almost every doctor she can find and the only thing that seems to help is changing -increasing or decreasing her blood thinner medication. It seems that her body chemistry is always changing so they have not been able to pin-point the exact doasge to give her, they just keep changing it. I know this isn't much help, but they did check her thyroid (thyroid issues run in my family very badly) but they ruled it out as a factor. If nothing else maybe a question or suggestion to bring up with the doc. Hope this helps a little! Hang in there! Kim
   — kimmy

December 8, 2005
My MIL has Meineires disease and has similar problems with dizziness. This is her only symptom. Your blood sugar and blood pressure are not low, right? Both of these things also cause dizziness.
   — mom2jtx3

December 8, 2005
Hi Rebecca I have been taking thyroid meds for almost 8 mts. When I went to the dr to start with I was so very tired, my hair was falling out, I had headaches so bad I could hardly keep my eyes open, which would make me dizzy and light headed. After I started taking the meds and my levels started getting better the dizzyness went away. Took about 2 mths to get the levels right. But my hairs still falls out always has since then. This was before wls. I did not have surgery till Oct of this year. I hope they can pinpoint the problem and get it fixed for you!!! Good Luck
   — Mary T.

December 8, 2005
Hello Rebecca! I had this problem not so long ago. It was awful. It was all due to fluid in the ears. I had to be put on prednisone for it for 2 weeks before it went away! I had a CTSCAN that showed a huge mass and it ended up to be ALL fluid. I don't think anti-biotics would necessarily fix it. It'll help the sinis infection but not the drying up! You need something that will actually dry it up. I had my thyroid checked twice and they were fine also before we found out it was all ear related. You might need to be refered to an ear specialist so that it can be taken care of. They can also drain the fluid in your ear now right in the drs office to eliminate having tubes put in. Hope this helps some. Feel free to email me if you have nay other questions! Pre-op 249lbs 5 ft 4 in 42.9 BMI
   — JeniferJulie

December 8, 2005
Original Poster...Thank you guys for responding, I don't feel so alone now. :) Anyhow, my blood sugar is fine, blood pressure was 100/65 at last visit. (normal for me) And I am taking Sudafed to open the ears. I tried Allegra D and had a bad reaction, Flonase does nothing. My family has a history of thyroid problems, I have it checked yearly. I spoke with my mom and she says her main symptoms are fatigue and the feeling of her eyes bugging out of her head. No dizziness, so who knows. I think I may go check out a ENT doc. Thanks again. :)
   — RebeccaP

December 8, 2005
Rebecca, Have they checked you out for Vertigo yet? When I worked as a hearing reporter for social security, I heard many cases for disability were people couldn't drive and do other things because of vertigo. This makes a person life miserable and disables them because they get dizzy, nausea and are not able to keep their balance and it has literally stopped people from working. They may want to check that out. And I believe if it is caught early it can be treated. Most of the claimants did speak about being unable to drive and did not drive themselves to the hearings.
   — the7thdean

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