9 weeks post-op and still having leg cramps?

Ever since having an open RNY about 9 weeks ago, I started having leg cramps at night. They seem to be getting worse every night. Last night I probably had like 30 cramps during the night with each lasting a minute or so. Has anyone every had this after their surgery?    — mysaffireeyes (posted on February 5, 2006)

February 5, 2006
Hi I was put on daily pottassium to take right after surgery even before I had to start my vits. My sister also had leg cramps the doctor called "Growing pains" growing up he suggested pottasium as well. Are You take any kind of pottassium right now? Worth checking out. Best Wishes
   — Shell G

February 5, 2006
It sounds like an issue with electrolyte imbalances, such as with potassium, and maybe being dehydrated, which is very common after surgery. You need to call your doc today as this is not a normal side effect from surgery and report this to him/her so they can check you labs. Are you sipping water/fluids constantly throughout the day? What vitamins are you taking? Hang in there and just call your doc. Shelly
   — scharlier

February 5, 2006
I agree with the low potassium mentioned above. Try throwing a banana in with your protein shake. I've had problems with low potassium for as long as I can remember...and generally the only way I know it's low is by the leg cramps...sometimes they can get pretty severe. Another good source is potatoes...maybe try eating some mashed potatoes...but I would suggest making them homemade...I'm not sure how much potassium the boxed variety has. If after a couple of days of adding potassium to your diet the cramps don't go away...definately call your doctor. (LAP RNY 12/22/05)
   — mmcphee1

February 5, 2006
It could be pottasium sure. But if it is, it could be low enough to give you heart problems. I sure would'nt up my potasium on my own.... I'd call my doctor or go to an ER IMMEDIATELY! Leg cramps could also be a sign of a blood clot! If you have been having leg cramps for "9 weeks".... why are you gambling with your life? Something is wrong. It could be something that is'nt bad, but it could be serious. CALL YOUR DOCTOR!!!!
   — Danmark

February 6, 2006
Always check these things out with your surgeon. Postassium is a possiblity but leg cramps can also be an early indication of blood clots. Just be sure you get it checked out.
   — ppaige

February 6, 2006
Hi! Just wondering if you are taking a calcium supplement? I am asking because in order for your bones to use the calcium your body needs magnesium. You may need to up your magnesium level. You could talk to your nutritionist. How I understand it is that if your body does not have enough magnesium to use the calcium it is taken from your muscle, hence the leg cramps. I had that and I need to take 2:1 ratio of magnesium to calcium. No more leg cramps. Hope this helps. Amy
   — nurseamyb

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