bm's and numbness in legs

I was in the hospital ER today and I dont know what to do I had numbness in my right leg from the knee up to my pelvic area and I called my surgeon he said have a ultra sound done nothing was found. Has anyone else had this? Also is it common to have loose stool still almost 2 weeks post op?    — TRISCHV (posted on March 30, 2006)

March 30, 2006
First to your second question - if your diet is according to the diet schedule given me you are still on a full liquid diet- with little to no solid food this would account for loose stools and your stomach and intestines are still healing. Now to your first question- no sure fire answer but a thought- does the discomfort come from the low back down the thigh to knee? If so it might be your sciatic nerve acting up- Try heat rotating with ice pack on the worst area and see if that helps- if it continues go to your primary care doctor.
   — dabby

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