Kidney stones

Help.I passed a kidney stone yesterday.I thought I had a kidney infection when I woke uo.At 1;30 I was in so much pasin I was seeing black spots.All of a sudden I heard a drop in toilet.It was a blackish bb.I was to go to Dr at 3 .I was blledding and clots and some gunk before I passed it(I had a hysteractomy over 10 yeard ago).I am wondering why I feel so terrrible still.I slept until 1; 30 today and took many naps also since then.I am on antibiotics.I am wondering when I will feel better.If you have had this please let me know.I have missed two days of work.I still have the pressure pretty Bad when I stand or pee.It is uncomfortable at all times.I still have the frequency peeing also.Please help!Sandy Hanson    — Sandy Hanson (posted on January 17, 2008)

January 17, 2008
Sandy, I have not had this and so sympathize with your pain. What does your doctor say? And have you had an ultrasound perhaps you still have a stone. Joni
   — jonicorona

January 17, 2008
I can empathize with you, Sandy; I also have a history of kidney stones. By any chance did you retrieve the stone? That would help them identify what type it is, which will affect how it is treated. The good news is that I saw on your profile you had a Lap-Band - gastric bypass is contraindicated in people who form stones because of a person's tendency to form stones with this procedure. Your surgeon should know of this, and I would also recommend asking your PCP for a referral to a nephrologist. These doctors specialize in these kind of things and are most knowledgeable in moderating your blood and urine chemistries to prevent further stone formation. Good luck, and please let me know how you make out - I know how painful these are!
   — obeseforever

January 17, 2008
I forgot to add I did go to the dr and I am on a antibiotic.I saved the stone and they are analizing it.
   — Sandy Hanson

January 17, 2008
I was told that stones could form it if I did not drink at lease 100 oz a day of water. I was not able to get more than 80 oz down for a while but I am up to the 100 oz per day. If your urine is not nearly clear, they say you can run the chance of forming kidney stones.
   — William (Bill) wmil

January 17, 2008
I cannot help you other than to give you my SYMPATHY. I hope you feel better soon!
   — Carlyn M.

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