Dry skin

Well so far my constipation is under control, but my skin is still dry , i'm having 10 cups of water a day so whats going on. Am i lacking something,,, what could i do, i've put aveno cream but its not taking care of it... thanks for all your answers.    — claire G. (posted on November 22, 2008)

November 22, 2008
Try Gold Bond Extra Healing lotion. It does not have a strong smell and it works. I also have the dry skin thing but then fluid intake is one of my issues. Hope this helps. cee
   — ceecee127

November 22, 2008
I have read that taking a fish oil supplement is supposed to help with dry skin. You might want to look into that. I have the same problems with constipation and dry skin. I will be starting the fish oil myself come next pay check!
   — ImanAbdulaziz

November 22, 2008
This might not be a popular answer as many post ops are carb and fat phobic, but not all carbs or fats are bad for us....and adding a little "good fats" will help A LOT! Good fats are stuff like olive oil, avocado, flax oil, omegas as in fish and eggs and flax...Nuts and seeds...These oils are good for you and for your skin... B Complex also helps with skin, hair and nails...Winter is a bad time too the dry heat will ravage your skin and the cold and windy days will chap and chaffe stay on top of the lotion and water ...but try a stirfry of veggies in a little olive oil now and then and a handfull of nuts as a snack...Or ground flax sprinkles in your cereal, yogurt, salad or anywhere a nutty flavor might taste good (your protein drink even) With RNY we malabsorb fats so much of it will end up being waste and you'll notice waste floats because of the oils that are discarded! Oils helps with waste disposal keeping things smooth going! LOL But don't over do the oils they still add calories and too much can make you dump...Bad fats are saturated, processed fat such as hydrogenated oils, and animal fats...Those are generally the fats you want to stay away from...Veggie oils are better for you with olive oil at the top of the list. If things don't begin to get better soon, you might have a food allergy or some of your levels could be off so it might be a good time to see the doc for labs...If your thyroid is off, dry skin is often a sign and there are a few other deficiencies or just lows that can affect your skin...Neosoprin helps with chapped raw skin too by the way! Good luck and I hope you find what works!
   — .Anita R.

November 23, 2008
Well, I am not sure about this, but I personally had a problem with dry skin way before my surgery, so I doubled my intake of vitamin E to 800 IU twice daily. Along with the 60 to 80 oz of water I am guessing that is why I no longer have that problem. Occasionally, when it gets really cold outside, I have to resort to lotions on my arms and legs, but that is rare. Do you live in a really cold climate?
   — cydthekid50

November 23, 2008
I had surgery about 19 weeks ago, and I can say that regular means 2x week for me. I take colace and prune juice (about 2 tablespoons full) with liquid iron ( iron constipates) daily. I have to take it because I am anemic. I missed taking Omega 3 - but those pills were huge and no way am I going to open and down it as liquid, I found Omega Krill - it is supposed to be 3x better than fish omega, and IT"S A TINY GEL CAP!! this has helped with the dry skin and my mood. I will take labs in December and hopefully it has improved my cholesterol profile. I also use NEXCARE made by 3M , it is a jar of cream that really sinks in well. best wishes Cathy
   — Cat C

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