normal day

What is a normal day of eating consist of post op surgery. I dont know how you get all your protein, water, food and vitamins all in in one day. Any suggestions would help. Thanks    — cuppaloopy (posted on December 12, 2009)

December 12, 2009
I am 7 wks post op and here is a typical day for me. It gets easier each week. You just need to focus on getting yourself into a routine. BREAKFAST: 5 Tbsp cottage cheese. Centrum chewable multivitamin, B12 sublingual, calcium chewable. (I don't start Iron until month 3) MID-MORNING: Protein drink mixed with milk for 10 extra gms of protein LUNCH: 3 oz moist turkey breast - moistened with Swanson's clear broth, 1 Tbsp Egg yolk from a deviled egg, calcium chewable LATE AFTERNOON: Protein Drink DINNER: 4 Tbsp refried beans with a tiny bit of shredded low-fat cheddar cheese on top. 1 Tbsp sour cream. Centrum chewable multivitamin, calcium chewable SNACK: SF popsicle Totals: 763 calories, 25 gm fat, 44.5 gm carbs, 92 gms Protein
   — looking4ward

December 13, 2009
I don't know what is normal. I have a small egg omelete for breakfast. cottage cheese and fruit mid morning. peanut butter for lunch. Nuts through out the afternoon. Usaully some type of beans and cheese for dinner. be careful of the calcuim chews since they are usually the carbonate not citrate and can cause kidney stones.
   — trible

December 16, 2009
Just be careful because too much protein can be hard on your kidneys. I am still in the two week post-op so I am curious to see what I can eat after my follow-up tomorrow.
   — jvannatta

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