What causes persistent hiccups with vomiting after gastric sleeve surgery ?

It has been 4 days since gastric sleeve surgery and I have had nearly constant hiccups with vomiting and spitting up. Still in hospital and cannot keep anything down. What causes this condition and how is it treated?    — Tarheel1983 (posted on February 14, 2010)

February 14, 2010
You are still in the hospital? What does your doctor say? He is going to know best what is going on with you and since he has not yet released you, he knows there is a problem. Have you had a barium swallow to test for leaks? What are you drinking? I know I am asking more questions than I am answering, but there is really no one out here that can answer your questions as well as your doctor and the nurses who are caring for you. I had the sleeve done six months ago, and the only time I had those simptoms was when I ate or drank the wrong things too fast. Alcohol (wine), caused that for me. You are in good hands. You are in my prayers for a speedy recovery!
   — Bonnie H.

February 15, 2010
Hiccups are USUALLY caused by pockets of gas that are trapped at the top of the stomach. They are your body's way of trying to expel the gas. Right now, your stomach is very sensitive, and you have been filled with a gas in your abdominal cavity. It is likely that this gas is slowly diffusing through your stomach walls and is causing a pocket of gas near the top of the stomach. If this is the case, then the hiccuping will likely last a couple of weeks until all of the gas slowly exits your body. You will be expelling gas from both ends until it is gone. Your stomach is also likely to be super sensitive for a few months. I am not a doctor, so take what I am telling you with a grain of salt, but things are likely to improve if you just give it some time. In the mean time, ask your doctor what you can do to alleviate the symptoms. There are medications that can help alleviate gas in the stomach, but I do not know how effective they would be against the type of gas you are likely expelling. Most are geared toward the type of gas caused by digestion, and may not be effective against the type that was used to inflate your abdomen. I hope this helps.
   — hubarlow

February 16, 2010
Everyone's different, but I had crazy hiccups with my RNY surgery last week and at one point almost crying asked the nurse if I would have hiccups for life. She laughed a little and said "no, you won't have hiccups for life. They've just done major surgery on your stomach, probably irritated a nerve that's causing your hiccups, and you'll get over them soon." She was right, I stopped having hiccups three days after my surgery. Hopefully you'll stop soon, too. Make sure to ask the nurses and the doc about all your concerns... and make sure to ask the different nurses on the different shifts, they all know different things and can be helpful. And good for you for looking for help from your friends here on OH... we're pulling for you and sending good thoughts for speedy healing your way. :) Your stomach has a lot of healing to do... it will come in time.
   — Greg K.

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