Has anyone had a Vitamin D deficiency?

My Dr. says I do and I was on 50,000iu/wk for 6 wks and then we did more blood work....still we're doingi it again for 6 more weeks. Has anyone else had the same problem?    — JULIA R. (posted on March 11, 2004)

March 11, 2004
It's expectable in our population. A & E along with it, and of course, calcium & iron. Have you taken dry form Vit D over the counter? I take 12 per day (they're dinky lil things) and am holding normal levels for 2 yrs, but that's what it takes to hold my very distal self there. My husband takes them AND the Rx D and barely crawls into normal ranges. Of course, we are in WA where we have no sun, but we cannot get ANY from our food. Nearly everyone in our support group (proximal, distal, no matter) has had to tweak their D at some point. Some require more tweaking than others.
   — vitalady

March 11, 2004
I had the same thing. But I haven't taken the vitamin D since my sirgery in December. The vitamin D helps you absorb calcium and that will prevent osteoporosis and osteopenia. I plan on talking to the surgeon about it at my next visit the 18th. I had seen an endocrinologist who prescribed the vitamin D. But I was going to use a differnet surgeon who sent me to the endo doctor. My actual surgeon now did not. His group doesn't have an endocrinologist, so that's probably why they don't think of it. We'll see what he says next week I guess.
   — catleth

March 11, 2004
Actually it was Armstrong who sent me to the endocrinologist. Dr Toth. I liked Dr Toth a lot, but I never got to see Armstrong since they canceled my September 2003 appt. They weren't taking appts til Jan 2004. I went with Dr Lesage in Racine and I am down 57lbs & 20 inches. I didn't want to wait like that. Good luck.
   — catleth

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