I am having heart problems. Anyone else?

I have been placed on several different heart meds, and nothing has helped me. My blood pressure is very high and nothing seems to be helping. Can anyone offer any advise or help for the benefit of my heart. I am so worried. It's been 3 years since I've had my gastric bypass surgery. I also have chronic anemia.    — Lillyrosa (posted on August 31, 2006)

August 30, 2006
I doubt your hypertension has a direct connection to your gastric bypass. It really depends on what is causing your hypertension, and sometimes, unfortunately, it's a matter of trying different medications until the one (or combination of) medications is found that treats the problem with minimal to no side effects. My only advice is to continue to see your doctor, follow his directions exactly, learn to monitor you blood pressure at home (if you don't know how).
   — koogy

August 31, 2006
The very little I know about anemia + heart issues: my dad had this. Whenever his iron dropped low, he had angina and/or a mild heart attack. When his iron was low, his blood volume was low, so his BP shot thru the roof. And so on, vicious cycle. Is anyone addressing your anemia, which I assume is iron deficiency anemia? Did you ever take an absorbable iron in the last 3 yrs? Has anyone checked to see why you are anemia? Due to WLS (common)? Or due to some sort of undiagnosed bleed?
   — vitalady

September 1, 2006
Lillian, I really don't think that this is something that a lay person should/can answer. You need to check with your doctor and if he isn't sure, it is time to see a cardiologist. This is beyond the spectrum of what can be answered on the Obesity Q&A forum. I am really sorry that you are having these problems. Hope things get better soon. Judy Harris
   — jk_harris

September 1, 2006
I had high blood pressure before wls and it has not changed since having the surgery. It still stays high and my blood sugars are bottoming out sometimes to where i have to eat 6 small meals a day sometimes to get it back up above 40. I was placed on heart meds also due to the high blood pressures. I have no energy sometimes and taking the B-12 does no good sometimes either. I was told that my high BP was due to stress which I have quite a bit of. I have the heart palpitations and the sluggish feeling. I also have had the urge to eat even though I see foods and am not hungry. I thought that it was headhunger but it may also be the meds I take. I exercise and I am pooped to almost going to bed. I have an appointment with my dr next month and I am praying it is nothing to worry about. I did not have wls to die from a heart problem. I was told before wls that I had had a light heart attack but thought that it was my rheumatoid arthritis flaring up and got no treatment for it. I take a baby aspirin each day and to the poster it is wise to see your surgeon to see what is going on further with tests done. Irish
   — mspisces

September 1, 2006
I had 2 heart attacks and heart bypass before I had gastric bypass. I had high blood pressure before and 170# later I still have high blood pressure. I agree with the others, you need to address your anemia and get your doctor to pay attention to your blood pressure. I STILL have to call my doctor's attention to my BP even tho they take my BP at every visit. Good luck Nut
   — Nut Picker

September 4, 2006
I would go to a cardiologist, if you are not already, they know more and are more up on the latest than a GP. Are you exercising? I would go to a specialist and follow his/her advice.
   — Novashannon

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