Iron Infusions - How often?

Hello, I had my first Iron Infusion two days ago. I understand there are two different types. The 1hr IV every week or so and the 4-6 hr IV every 2 to 3 months. I had the 6 hr one and was wondering if anyone else can tell me how often they get thier Iron Infusions.    — smparker2 (posted on October 8, 2006)

October 8, 2006
Hi, my name is Susan and I am schedueled for surgery on 11-13-06 This is the first I have ever heard about iron infusions. Is this something everyone has to get? thanks, susan
   — jshoffmann

October 8, 2006
I've never even heard of this. I take an iron supplement every day and that's it. 17 monthes out and down 110 lbs
   — HeidiMc

October 8, 2006
HI, I had to do infusions for twelve weeks, 1 hour each. I asked her about the six hour treatments but she said when your iron is so low I needed to get it in and absorb. I am 5yrs 3 months post op. I had th BPD/DS.
   — tchandler

October 9, 2006 You might want to check with the long term ppl if you are more than 1 yr out. If you're not, ask me after you join the group and I will post your question. As to whether "everyone" will need this? No. Those who are not on iron supplementation (not ferrous sulfate) from the beginning have a higher chance of needing infusion. Those whose docs do not recognize that all of us malabsorb iron, so do not start supplementation as soon as the iron levels drop or those who are supplementing, but not the right kind or not enough or not taken right (breath), those are the people who may need to infuse. Regardless of age or gender, there seems to be plenty of evidence that we ALL need to supplement (and lots) in order to avoid the inevtiable iron deficiency anemia. I was "launched" on iron, eventually found one that agree with me and that absorbed well, so at 12 years, I'm one of the only ones I know who does NOT infuse.
   — vitalady

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