Throwing Up Acid

I am a long term surgery patient. I have the RNY. Today I have been throwing up Acid, which I have not done since I had surgery. Normally I dry heave once in a blue moon I do throw up. My doctor thinks I might have an ulcer, I didn't think we could get ulcers? Anyone know what might cause acid to come up? I have no gallbladder. Could I have ripped my stomach after all this time? Does anyone else have this problem?    — Angela M. (posted on January 11, 2007)

January 11, 2007
Howdy stranger ;) I thought we were at MORE risk for ulcers? thats why Dr A puts us on acid reducing meds for the first few months. Or maybe thats only in the early stages that we're more at risk? Sorry to hear you are having issues... but besides that, how are you? Keep trying to meet up with you in Vic, but never get a hold of you. Email me! Betty
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 11, 2007
Were you transected? I was not back in 1994 and my first sign of staple line disruption (at 5 yrs) was the sudden acid. Whew! Nasty! YOU didn't disrupt your staple line. It never was all that secure, which is why they don't do them that way any more. Can you be scoped or take a swallow test to see your mechanical status?
   — vitalady

January 11, 2007
I believe we are definitely at MORE risk for ulcers. Your doc should put you on something like Prilosec or Previcid and do a scope. Hope you feel better soon. :o)
   — christi_in_VA

January 11, 2007
hi Angela. I had my WLS 5/05, and ended up with an ulcer about 6 months ago. It is gone now but it hurt horribly. I am still on protonix (I actually was on it before WLS) and I believe I will be on it forever now. Keep us posted and best of luck to you. - Shannon
   — theroses03

January 11, 2007
I am almost 3 years out and I don't throw up acid, but developed a gastric ulcer that is very painful at about 6 mos out. We are more likely to get an ulcer, and they can be very hard to get rid of. I think mine is here to stay. Get seen asap and see what is going on. Take care of yourself. Patricia P
   — Patricia P

January 11, 2007
could an ulcer be the cause of the acid I threw up yesterday? I am pretty sure I have now thrown up bile as well. I was supposed to see Dr.Amson dec12th but cancelled. MyGP wants Amson to do a scope, I hate scopes. She figures I have an ulcer because I have alot of pain now when I eat. I have had blood in stools and thrown up blood a dark blood. I am constipated for up to 2 weeks at a time. The pain goes from the front to the back. I had my surgery sept 18 2001. Was sick for 8 weeks too as I had that superbug and threw up bile for awhile. Since then it's usually only dry heaving but today and yesterday it's acid and spit up, clear fluid and bile I think, also a brownish redish lump. Should I be concerned? I did tell Amson before I refuse to do a barium swallow ever again, I was in there for hours and hours last time as my bowels were so backed up they couldn't get them to move through even with the enema. Yeah hi never going there again
   — Angela M.

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