Severe cramping two to three days before period

I had wls a little over three months ago and have lost 83 pounds so far. I had some cramping before but not as severe as this is. I am taking Tylenol (liquid) to help but can't understand why this is happening. Also at this time of the month I can't eat or drink without getting sick and sometimes vomiting. My wl surgeon is having my galbladder checked out to see if I have galstones but that is several days away. If you've had this problem I would appreciate any advice. Thanks Treva Deck    — tkcdeck (posted on June 17, 2007)

June 17, 2007
Treva, have you been checked for a stricture? I had some vomiting & getting sick a month after my surgery...They did an endoscope & found the stricture. Connie
   — Connie H.

June 17, 2007
Whats a scriture?
   — ka11e

June 17, 2007
Before my WLS I had severe cramping and PMS. After surgery it did continue. I spoke with my Gynecologist and she advised that my hormones were out of whack so to speak. She said that once my weight stabilized that things would improve. It will be 2 years in August and things have improved unbelievably. I have cramping that I can control with tylenol and it is very mild. Other PMS symptoms have also improved. When I asked her why she stated that it is due to the amount of estrogen that is stored in our fat cells (females). I would still see your doctor to rule anything else out and for peace of mind. But, once you have been cleared by the doctor just give your body and hormones a time to adjust with your weight loss still new it is going to take time. But, I can say it will and does improve.
   — 1968 Loser

June 18, 2007
Hi Treva, thanks for asking your questions. Wow, 83 pounds in 3 months, that is just amazing! Congratulations on such a great success on your weight loss. First, I want to address your cramping. It does not surprise me at all that your body is going through some big adjustments. You have almost lost 100 pounds in 4 months time. Your body is not happy with that, because the body wants to remain obese. It is responding to you in whatever ways it can. Your cramping could be from light periods prior to surgery. Obese people have problems with periods a lot before they lose weight, and once they begin to lose weight then the body over compensates with cramping, heavy bleeding and over-normal response to a period. Your body needs to adjust. I would give it some time and treat those symptoms. We can't take motrin type products, but you can take perkiset (bad spelling). If the pain is very bad, ask your doctor for pain medication for that time that will work for you such as perkiset. But it make take a year to get your body to adjust to these changes. I encourage you to bear with it for that year instead of trying to change things, your body is going through so many changes, it just needs time to adjust, and I think it will in the end, you just need to be patient and work with your body. Your body is really angry with you for the surgery and the forced changes, it needs time to adjust and recover. I hope you give your body the patience it needs. Take care, Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

June 18, 2007
83 pds is a huge amount in just three months have your doc do a blood workup on you to make sure you don't get anemia, did you have a band or bypass? If it was a band the fill may be too tight, also at 3 months bypass patients sometimes have to have their pounch opening stretched by an EGD becuase of a scarring. DO you drink fliuds with your meals? Hoiw long before you eat to you stop and how long after, the general rule is no fluids 30 minutes before you eat, no fluids with meals and no fluid for 30 minutes after, fluids tend to push the food down and cause the food to get lodged in the opening of the stomach also you want it to stay in the pouch created by the surgery which ever it was to make you fill full for at least 20 minutes so your brain will get the trigger it is full. Hope you feel better soon!
   — DonnaB.

June 20, 2007
Thanks everyone for your response to my question. It all makes sense and put my mind at ease. I just had my three month check up and the doctor was very pleased. I told him about the problems I was having but being a man he didn't really address them as I would have liked so all this information has really helped. Since this is the only time I really have problems then I believe you all have given me my answer but if it gets worse or anything changes then I'll go back to my doctor also I'm going to make an appointment with my gyn doctor very soon. Again thanks for all your help.
   — tkcdeck

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