Do most people go through a period of self doubt.

I am scheduled for surgery on September 24th. This is something I have wanted to do for a long time. I am 5'7" and 363lbs. If nothing else, I need to do this for my life. But now that things are under way, I'm starting to second guess myself. Can I do this? Will I look horrible afterwards? I'm selfpay so follow up plastic surgery may not happen. I thought I would be so confident because I wanted it so bad, but now the joy and relief I thought I would feel is gone. HELP! Thanks for and support you can give me. Rhonda    — dragontears (posted on September 16, 2007)

September 15, 2007
What you are experiencing is very normal. We all go through it. You need to think of the alternatives if you do not go through with it...what will your quality of life be? How much more weight will you gain? Will your eating habits change? Will your health get worse?? You should be going to support groups now and speak to people who are months and years post op. Ask them if they'd do it again. Loose skin issues are a problem. Much of it can be combatted through exercise. Think seriously about hiring a personal trainer once it's safe to exercise. In the meantime, now and after surgery, start to get your body in the best physical shape you can. This helped me tremendously. If you can start walking on a treadmill or an elliptical and gradually increase your speed. Use handweights a few times a week. Start cutting your portions now to get used to what it will be like post op. The results are so worth it, I am sure you will be happy if you do go through with it!
   — Sheri A.

September 16, 2007
I too am waiting for surgery. I am weigh about 50lbs less than you do, however I too think about the excess skin. My more immediate concern is my current health. I have many - if not most of the co-morbity problems and just want to become healthy. I think you should do as Rhonda has suggested. Going to support meetings and starting to exercise now will help. Positive attitude knowing you will become healthy should be foremost in your mind. I hope you have suppostive family and friends. Best of luck. Jane
   — NanaJane

September 16, 2007
Hey Rhonda! My surgery is scheduled for the end of October and I frequently start freaking out over the same issues. I weigh over 500 pounds and I still occasionally wonder if I'm doing the right thing. Everyone I've talked to has said they went through the same's normal. This is a huge life changing decision. Just know that it's normal and try to focus on why you're having it done. I made a list of all my health and mobility problems and look at it when I start freaking out. It's just a reminder that, if I don't have surgery, that's what my life will continue being. And I can't have that. Good luck!
   — dorkyfatgrrrl

September 16, 2007
I think we all go through the same thing. We start questioning our decision. It's like the bride always gets jittery befor the wedding. I have never been so thrilled that I went through with it. I look better and feel better. What's to get nervous about?i
   — bderuiter

September 16, 2007
COMPLETELY normal. I thought the same thing, but things are going awesome and my 6th month post op is coming up on the 26th. Hang in there and try to relax and revel in the fact that your life will change dramatically after surgery! Good luck and God Bless!
   — crystalsno

September 16, 2007
Are you having open RNY or laparoscopic? If the latter, you will have 6 tiny scars which will fade over time. I don't even think about mine. I am just so incredibly happy that I had the surgery. Never before in my life have I felt so positive about the future. I'm only 6 weeks post op but I have already lost quite a bit of weight (I don't weigh myself very often and won't know exactly how much I've lost til I go in for a follow up appt. on Tues.) I understand your hesitation but you will be excited once you get to the hospital. You won't feel anything and will wake up knowing that the surgery is over and you will be so happy. I wanted to dance and sing. Sure, there are some difficulties to overcome just like after any surgery. But your life will change for the good forever. Just imagine how happy that will make you feel. Make a list of the good things: i.e. being healthy, looking good, feeling great, being able to fit into regular clothes and a list of what you can expect your life to be like if you don't go through with the surgery. Then concentrate on the good side list. You will do fine. I know it. Be strong and have the courage to change your life once and for all. Best wishes.
   — cherub13

September 16, 2007
Rhonda you are the same height and weight I was (5'7" & 368lbs for me). I had the RNY procedure on May 29th of this year. I have lost 78lbs to date. When I walk with no pain in my knees and I can breathe so much better, I know I did the right thing. You are absolutely right about doing it for your life. I no longer have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and I no longer snore! It is amazing how much better you feel after a while. My only issues is that my clothes don't fit anymore. I began to doubt as I got closer to my surgery too. It is normal. Hang in there, you have alot of support. You should go to the support group meetings. You are not alone. I am glad you reached out.
   — BarettaGal

September 16, 2007
OK-I hate when people who have lost less than 100 pounds tell others that you excess skin issues "can be combatted through exercise"!!!!! That is NOT TRUE. I was told by the gastric bypass surgeon and the plastic surgeon, and both told me that there is no amount of excersise to improve loose skin on a body that has stretched so far!! I lost 216 pounds and I was 23 years old when I had the surgery! I had "young" skin, and believe me it was HORRIBLE! I had to take out a $20,000 loan to have it removed. Please don't go into this surgery lightly--your body will change drastically. Yes your health will be better because of weight loss, but you may have mental issues with the skin ( I always thought I was still FAT and was embarrassed by the excess skin! ). My husband on the other hand lives with his skin and said he would never have it removed because of how hard plastic surgery is on your body--it is way worse than the bypass itself. Just be prepared to deal with all the issues that come with having gastric bypass--it is not an easy answer or fix. If you want you can chat with me personally for more information. I will always be honest!

September 17, 2007
Having the gastric bypass was the BEST thing I could have done for myself. I went from 299 down to 120 pounds, total loss of 179. I had a lower body lift and breast lift 4 weeks ago. Very tough surgery compared to gp. I'm still home recuperating. I've had some issues with anemia as well as a few infections on the incision sites of the lower body lift. My doctor had had to do minor surgery to remove the infection. It was a setback, but I'm dealing with it. My husband has been wonderful with my recuperation. He has had to play nurse for me. If I didn't have him there 24/7, I would need a home health care nurse to help out still. My BODY looks AWESOME though. My dr did a great job, I too had to take out a loan for my plastics. It will be worth it in the end. Before my plastics I looked in the mirror and still saw a fat person due to the excess skin hanging, it was gross. Now, I look in the mirror and see a skinny person. After having the WLS, I don't feel the journey is over until you get rid of the excess skin. at least for me it was that way. I'm now a size 4 pant/ size small shirt- Was a size 28 pant and a 4X shirt. I've come a long way. I reached my Dr's goal of 140 pounds on my 1 year anniversary of surgery. I had lost 159 pounds. I still continued to lose after hitting goal. I lost about 5-7 pounds from the lower body lift(they couldn't weigh the skin cuz they had to keep it sterile cuz I donated the skin) Hope this helps. By the way, I'm off of insulin, blood pressure, cholesterol, acid reflux meds and lowered my thyroid meds in half, AMAZING!! Not only am I healthy now, but I look GREAT, what a bonus. The energy level is also amazing. Good luck and you won't regret this!!!!!
   — thevikster

September 17, 2007
I understand your hesitation to having the surgery, I had them too even the morning of my surgery. I'm almost 1 year postop and I'm doing pretty good. I lost 110 pounds which was my goal. For so long I enjoyed how I felt and the compliments that came with it. I'm now struggling with the excess skin issue. I had a breast reduction and lift last October and I'm very happy with it. I now need a tummy tuck and I don't have the money right now to do that but I am planning to. I look at the plastic surgery as a follow up to the WLS. As others have said I look in the mirror and still feel fat but my health was the most important issue and that has improved. I do have problems with ulcers that I have to take medication for but other than that I had not 1 problem and I still eat healthy and have maintained my weight loss. I wish you luck and please know you are making a decision to improve your health first and foremost.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 17, 2007
From 5'8 350lbs to 5'8 150s in about 20-22 months I would do it again in a heartbeat. I had adhesions at 14 mos and would do that again. Success is in little and big steps. From the first time my butt didn't touch the sides of certain chairs to climbing several flights of stairs without needing oxygen at the top lol.
   — tazthewiz23

September 17, 2007
Even though I could use plastic surgery and can't afford it, i am glad i had the surgery. i fell much better and can do so much more!
   — Novashannon

September 17, 2007
Yes, this is very normal. I too was self-pay and was worried about how i would look. But what is most important is how you will feel! You are going to feel great! I also was afraid of it not working for me, afraid of failing yet again and having spent all this money for "nothing". It's very scary. I discovered that I am thankful EVERY day that I did this, I look just fine, sure my tummy could use a tuck, but, I can live with it, or maybe even save up for one if it get's really bad. But more importantly is how I FEEL. I can walk up and down stairs, even jog a little with the dog and wear clothes that look great! I feel better inside and out and have a lot more confidence than I ever thought possible.
   — Debra R.

September 17, 2007
I definitely went through it. I am 5'10 and weighed 374 lbs at my surgery. I knew it was something I needed to do and I wanted it and knew it would better my life in so many ways. It's normal to get the jitters and doubts because, like me, you've probably hidden behind your body for a long time and taken comfort, joy, pain, etc. all in food. Now that will change and you will free yourself from the control that food has over you! Of course you won't look horrible afterwards! I felt the same way and I can tell you that I am almost 9 months post-op and have lost 165 lbs and feel AMAZING... look AMAZING and can do soooo many things I couldn't before. People look me in the eye, they listen to what I say. My life has changed in so many ways I never even considered. Yes, I have some saggy skin (I'm only 30) but hey, It's not like I was going to wear a bikini before, right? :) I know a girl who is 3 years post-op and yesterday my other friend described her as "the runway -model -looking girl at your house the other day"... little does she know that when my friend lifts her shirt you wouldn't believe what her tummy looks like! (not that I have any room to talk) but my point is you can cover up, suck in with spandex, whatever you have to do if you need to. Main point: you will be so much HEALTHIER that it won't even matter. I laughingly swing my extra arm skin and call it my "bat flap". It doesn't bother me because I can cover it up. Congrats to you, by the way, and don't worry too much about what CAN happen and stay focused on the positives of what WILL happen! :) Best wishes!!! 374/210/170 Aaryn
   — airbear762000

September 17, 2007
Hi Rhonda, Yesterday, Sept 17, was my five year post op date. At 5'7" and 353, I was almost exactly where you are. I lost 185 pounds, and have gained 20 back in 5 years. Would I do it again, and again, and again??? A thousand times, YES, YES, YES. Think of where you would be if you didn't have it done... I know for myself, I would have been even higher than 353 by now, probably with many serious health issues. Instead, I am healthy, a very young 57, recently remarried to an awesome man! Active, and looking forward to 30 more years of rewarding life. God is good. Don't let your current worries, apprhensions, or doubts keep you from looking forward to where you will indeed be in five years. God bless you in your journey my friend and email me anytime if you like at [email protected] I know it would have helped me a lot to have folks four or five years out to converse with. I hope to be that for anyone who needs.....
   — joanned1998

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