Any exercise suggestions for severe back spasms and nerve damage?

I'm going through my pre-op insurance nightmare. My only roadblock is the exercise requirement. I have constant & severe back spasms along with nerve damage to the abdominal area on my right side that produces an extreme burning sensation. I find it hard to exercise when the two areas are acting up. It's to the point of not being able to walk. I'm getting discouraged through this whole process because my insurance will not accept a waiver from my pcp & orthopedic doctor. Any suggestions on what I can try to meet this requirement?    — Melanie Watson (posted on December 20, 2007)

December 20, 2007
There are DVD videos that show "chair exercises", and that may help. I had surgery 17 months ago, and my exercise consists of walking about 1 1/4 miles once or twice daily. No exercise equipment is really needed. Just walking should be considered a form of exercise, as long as you do it daily and for some lenght of time, say 30-45 minutes. Some women go to shopping malls early in the day, and walk around the mall areas. These malls are protected from bad weather, and your personal security would be protected, as opposed to walking around city streets.
   — Dave Chambers

December 20, 2007
I have very bad knees, so I did my excersize in the pool. I hired a persoinal trainer and he worked up a program and certified that I was meeting all the requirements, but my insurance company in the mean time changed their policy and no longer will accept any form of Baratric surgery. I caution you because below 40 BMI they often will try to say you do not quilify. Good luck and try the pool and a trainer for a few weeks.
   — William (Bill) wmil

December 20, 2007
My surgeon referred me to a rehab center for my pre-op and post-op exercise program. The Rehab Center that I go to also serves as a "gym". Because of my back pain, the exercise physiologist worked out a plan for me that involved exercises that would not stress my back. I have been very happy with the results. Good luck to you, and don't give up!
   — Patricia R.

December 20, 2007
have you tried applying warm compresses for a short period and then exercising? have you visited a physical therapist? hope all works well 4 u. i had my sleeve done 3 days ago. am so very excited about a new life!!! Merry Christmas!!!
   — JStangel

December 20, 2007
You have some great answers up above for exercise. I was like you however and couldn't exercise. Im not sure if this can help you or not, but for me my requirements were 6 months supervised diet and exercise, but I had my pain doc submit a letter to the insurance along with my back surgeon and my pcp and there was several letters from the emergency room that I have had to go to because of my back problems and all of them backed each other up with "this patient can not physically do exercises to help reduse weight at this time, the recomandation(sp?) is for her to have the surgery first then see about if she is able to afterwards." It seemed to help a lot, I wasn't required at that point to do the exercises. Just remember though, anything you do before surgery to help yourself get better means that you will be further ahead after surgery. It will pay off in the long run. I hope this helps. God bless you Paula
   — japaad

December 20, 2007
Is there anywhere near you that offers aquatic exercise? Exercising in a swimming pool desn't tax your body in the same way as the water can support you somewhat and the benefits are excellent. Best of luck to you.
   — MomLid

December 21, 2007
Sorry to hear you are struggling. You absolutely need to get that pain treated... ask for a referral to a pain clinic. There are medications that can help with the spasms and the nerve pain/burning sensation. Neurontin and Lyrica are both used for nerve pain... there are a ton of other meds as well. You may need a muscle relaxant to reduce/prevent the spasms. I would also suggest getting a referral for physical therapy. The therapist can help you find safe and comfortable exercises and maybe some stretches or ROM exercises that will reduce the back spasms. Chronic pain stinks! There are a lot of options for dealing with it, you just have to get to a doctor that knows what is going on. Best wishes.
   — mrsidknee

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