if you have had lap rny how long after surgery before you can be sexually active?

i know this is off the subject but it is a question that crossed my mind,we all need love!!!    — latreshar (posted on April 27, 2008)

April 27, 2008
I was not given any time restraints. It is probably up to your body. When will you feel like having sex again? I would assume most people wait a couple of weeks.
   — mary_rn

April 27, 2008
It will be one of the last things you will think about after surgery.
   — sonyaracene

April 27, 2008
I think it's a matter of common sense. If you're having pain and not feeling well you're probably not going to be interested, at least for a couple three weeks. I think it also depends on if you have lap rny or open rny. Open rny might earn you a longer delay. You don't want any pressure on the incision.
   — Shirley D.

April 27, 2008
I had open RNY and for me it was 7 - 10 days. It's up to the individual and how "motivated" you are LOL! Main thing is listen to your body and move slowly. If it hurts then stop and try again in a few more days. We all heal at different rates. Also, you would want to choose a position that will not put stress on your stomach.
   — Kellye C.

April 27, 2008
i waited about 6-7 weeks. just make sure you are "careful". they say because of all the hormones,you can be very fertile. have fun!!!

April 27, 2008
Girlllllllllllllll! As soon as you feel up to it, go for it!
   — LuvNSummer

April 27, 2008
That's a new question...haha I know I didn't even think of it as much pain as I was in. I have no idea when I finally did...But I'll tell you what...The thinner I got the...bigger my husbands appetite! LOL His appetite worked for me too! LOL
   — .Anita R.

April 27, 2008
Even with a RNY Ie as time moves on. had sex a week after I was home. I would have had it sooner but my side was sore where they attached my old dsttomach. Watch out as they don't want you pregnet for a year. Enjoy as there is less to lov
   — William (Bill) wmil

April 27, 2008
Well I think you should probably wait until you're out of the hospital. Seriously, I remember being really tired right after my surgery but it didn't take long for those thoughts and desires to return. My advice would be to ask your doctor, then listen to your body. Take it easy and enjoy. Best wishes for health and happiness.
   — djfoz

April 27, 2008
I was told to wait 6 weeks, as long as the restriction on lifting more than 5 pounds. I was ready after 5 but certain possitions were uncomfortable. The question is totally normal so don't feel funny asking. Just remember that women who have the surgery have a burst of estrogen during rapid weight loss and pregnancy is much more likely, so be extra careful. Hope that helped. -Jessica B.
   — MRS.B

April 27, 2008
I was told a month.
   — Kjackson2

April 27, 2008
I was told to wait two weeks. But like everyone is saying it depends on your body.

April 27, 2008
My surgeon said, you can do it whenever you feel ready, but the average time is 3 weeks.
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 28, 2008
I was told not before 14 days.
   — Alvernlaw

April 30, 2008
Upon discharge that is something that was on the hospital discharge sheet, it's just like having a baby, 6 weeks.
   — teekayoki

May 6, 2008
I just had my surgery a week ago and I was told not heavy lifting, strenuous exercise or sexual relations for six weeks. Of course I don't have any desire for sex right now anyway! LOL
   — Melanie C.

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