
6 WKS POST RYN. HAVE YOU HAD ANY PROBLEMS?    — NSKASMAI (posted on August 18, 2008)

August 18, 2008
up to you and your surgeon/PCP. but personally I started taking pills again around 5 wks.
   — jammerz

August 18, 2008
It is probably ok, I know a lot of post RNY'ers that take a handfull of vitamins at one time and have no problem. They might be further out than you are... it may be a little too soon though. Please check with your surgeon to be sure. Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

August 18, 2008
If you can swallow them here is no problem. Look at for a good soure for bariatric vitamin supliments. They are designed by bariatric surgeons. I found a lot of problems with what I could buy locally and my blood test have been a lot better shince I switched.
   — William (Bill) wmil

August 18, 2008
I had VSG and was told at least 6 months on chewables. I would think they RNY'ers should do at least that long. But ask your NUT!
   — GlitterGal

August 18, 2008
Just take a "liquid" vitamin / mineral supplement like VEMMA. Problem with pills, only 15% gets absorbed, the rest gets passed thru. With "liquid", 100% gets absorbed and it starts in the mouth. Go to VEMMA also has 1000 IU of vitamin D3. Very vital.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 18, 2008
Pill forms of vitamins are very hard for RNYers to digest fully because of lack of stomach acid...Some of us have a much harder time aborbing any vits at all. Chewing your vitamins or liquid ensures the vitamins are delivered to your intestines already to be absorbed. A hard pill could pass right thru only partially absorbed. Most RNYers, after time, become more efficient at aborption...and some of us just do not. I would suggest if you can swallow a pill that you at least take a powder form in capsules...Remember too that oil soluable vitamins (Vits A, E, D and K) are not aborbed in oil form since we don't absorb fats and oils...So those vits are discarded in our bowels rather than absorbed in a normal small intestines (Our small intestines are by-passed) Chewables and liquids begin digestion right in the mouth and are more likely to be aborbed. I suggest that if you do decide to take a pill vitamin that you begin having labs every 6 months to monitor your vit levels...Malnutrition is nothing to ignore! It could result in permanent damage to the heart and brain and other vital organs. Please take this seriously from someone who has been there and suffered. It's very scary when the doctor tells you that you are to be on bed resst for 2 months because your blood cells are dying and you don't have enough oxygen to feed your heart, and brain when your lungs are all fighting for the lack of oxygen in yoour blood and the weird things is you feel fine mostly, just a little tired. That's anemia caused by not enough B-12 (which MUSTR be taken sublingually) and Iron deficiency from taking the WRONG iron supplement or none at all. It's not worth your well being and health to take a risk because you don't like chewing or tasting your vits. I HATE THEM! Some days I cringe at the thought of chewing up a Centrum...and my chewable Iron and 4 giant wafers (2 wafers twice to three times a day) And spacing my iron and calcium citrate at least two hours apart...and remember to take vit c with the ironand vitd 3with the calcium citrate or NONE of the calcium will be absorbed at all. Yeah...It's a pain in the fanny...Afer 4 years of becomeing complacent and letting my daily vits slip off my list of important things to do...I got sick...and It's taken me 6 months to get to healthy levels again. It was not worth it. There is so much more to losing the weight and keeping it off. Our surgery keeps up thin because of malabsorption and restriction...and with that comes the sacrifice to take vits daily...THE RIGHT KIND...The ones that are suited for our new anatomy...many docotors and surgeons just don't know this stuff yet and we must all help each other from experiences because our surgery is too new for long term studies. I just want you to think twice and know why I ask this of you...Hope that helps in yoour decision to take a pill....or hopefully NOT take a pill...
   — .Anita R.

August 18, 2008
I am almost 5 weeks post-op and I've had all kinds of trouble with pills. I was switched over to regular pills a few weeks ago and I've had to switch back to chewables and liquids because I vomit alot when I take regular pills. You might be different, just letting you know what I've been through.
   — k4rizz421

August 18, 2008
Congrats on your surgery. I was taking Thorne Research vitamins which are specially formulated for Gastric Bypass patients and I still became deficient so now I am taking a fantastic liquid vitamin called "Passion 4 Life" which has 175 vitamins, minerals , herbs and antioxidants all in a ounce a day dose. Higher %'s then any other on the market and more reasonable also. You can find it at or you can email me and I will send you more information. [email protected]
   — Charlene Lewis

August 18, 2008
i take all my vitamins and pills by the handful every single morning -- have been since day 1 -- never had a problem -- good luck :)
   — RCassety

August 19, 2008
It's all up to individual docs, I am 2 weeks post RNY today, and today started taking PreCare prenatal vitamins (holy expensive, batman!), they are supposed to be better formulated for people with bypass. The pills are big, though, and I kind of had a tummyache for awhile after. Call your doc's office and ask....good luck to you.
   — penneynurse

August 19, 2008

   — Lady Bugg

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