my gastric RNY surgery was on 11/09/2008 and since 30/10/2008 i am still on a platuea

please help?? im feeling let down!    — halahmad (posted on November 29, 2008)

November 28, 2008
What have you done to get off this platuea? Drink lots of water, drink protein drinks!
   — Alivingangel

November 28, 2008
Be very kind to yourself. This has been a major procedure and your body is probably none too happy about change. Think of what non-food things do make you happy and try to do those. Get on a telephone help line in your community. If you tend to be a spiritual person, pray. If you are a generous person make a fantasy gift list of things you would like to give to those you love. Get in touch with the hospital nutritionist on Monday and see if there is something besides water and activity that might jump start the process. Know that you are not alone. Best wishes, Marjorie (shaddma)
   — shaddma

November 29, 2008
Time is also the answer. Results won't be immediate. It all takes time. Do try to drink more fluid-100 ounces a day is the usual recommendation. Also as mentioned do nonfood things and check into exercise programs. Even walking your dog or just going for a walk yourself helps physcially and mentally. vinnigirl
   — vinnigirl

November 29, 2008
My suggestion is to check your intake and see how many calories you are taking in from liquids. Remember that juices, coffee creamer, milk, etc have lots of calories. Sometimes we can inadvertently take in more than we realize! Hope this helps.
   — deejacobs

November 29, 2008
Plateau's are no fun, just make sure you are drinking enough water and getting enough sleep. When I have plateau and this is usually every 5 weeks I slow down, drink the water, skip the snacking entirely and get full nights sleep. Then withing a week the pounds start dropping agian. Best wishes to you
   — Cat C

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