what should I do?

I know this is gonna sound crazy but I was trying to have some kind of side effects like dumping or something so I can have a BM, I have been trying with the fiber pills and a laxtive and I still don't have a BM until maybe 2-3 days later.I need some help and then peeing comes far and least in between. I don't know what to do my stomach is not going anywhere just my thighs and breast is that normal?    — dimples1 (posted on May 28, 2009)

May 28, 2009
Make sure you are drinking 60 to 70 oz of liquid thats important and your protein. Keep in contact with your doctor good luck Mike
   — matigian

May 29, 2009
Comstipation is common. You may need to use a suppository to get things moving. if you are not peeing it sounds like you need more liquids in your diet. The stomach fat is the last to go. But it will. Looks like you had surgery just a few weeks ago so give yourself time to adjust. You should be on a liquid or soft diet at this time. Drink as much as you can and munch on sugar free popsicles. Call your doctor to see if the not peeing is a bigger problem. I am worried about that.
   — trible

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