Has anyone ever had a pain occur underneath the sagging abdominal skin.?

I have lost 224 pounds in 18 months and just lately have noticed a sometimes severe pain when I walk or stand up. It started about 3 months ago when my mom had some surgery and I was staying with her at the hospital. After sitting for awhile and then standing up is when I noticed the pain and it been there since. Should I go to my family doctor or to the gastric bypass doctor? I would appreciate any helpful advice. Thanks Treva    — TrevaDeck150 (posted on June 7, 2009)

June 7, 2009
I would call your Gastric Doctor. Let them make the call.
   — purplepassion555

June 7, 2009
Yep, see your doctor, the type doesn't matter but if you're seeing a regular MD make sure they know you've had GB. Could be a hernia but could be anything so have it checked out. Persistent pain indicates something is wrong and is not just a pulled muscle.
   — Arkin10

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