Anyone with bad reaction to perscription Lomotil?

I have had loose or watery stools for 4 days.Have done clear liquids, then bland diet. Went to urgent care -- blood tests showed nothing abnormal; I am to give a stool sample. They gave me a perscription for generic Lomotil -- I have taken one dose and am noticing flushing on my lower legs. I am rather afraid to take more, even though the stools are still loose. Anyone with this experience? I may try Milk of Mag or chewable Imodium??    — grgray (posted on July 3, 2009)

July 4, 2009
Hi, First my normal disclaimer, I am a doctor but not your doctor so you need to check with your doctor for any specific medical plan. The flushing of your lower legs is not a typical side effect of Lomotil but may be an individual reaction for you so I agree that you shouldn't take any more. The Imodium would be your best bet but most gastroenterologist generally reccomend not to use ANY agent that slows the bowel in order to not accumulate toxins from infection of the bowel. The key is to increase your intake of fluids to replace what you are losing with the diarrhea. This can be hard to estimate and hard to do but is important to avoid dehydration. Be sure to get the stool sample done as there are some diarrhea diseases that need to be specifically treated. Most are self limited and only require careful increased intake of fluid. Hope this helps. Kevin
   — hapkidodoc

July 5, 2009
Yes, I have had bad reactions to Lotomil. I had to take this to get my diarhea stopped. Tried Immodium and had to go to emergency room because this was not working for the diarrhea and cramps. Mine was coming out like water no matter what I did. They gave Lotomil and took 1 dose and seemed to help, but thean after more loose stools and my taking another dose of this. Gave me severe stomach cramps and pain and still had loose stools. So I had to give up. I thought the Immodium that I took was out of date and not working as I had this for awhile. I got severe stomach pains and cramps. I do not know what to take now, because after my gastric bypass surgery, I was having alot of trouble with constipation and complete emptying of my rectum. I know too much info, but this kinda wraps into your question. Now after being on prescription Senna for awhile, I think I have my bowels back on order as far as stools. I think this is a side effect of the rouy n y procedure that I had done, because nerves had been cut. This is what caused the constipation to begin with. Not bad, but more bothersome than anything. I am 4 years out post op come August 18th of this year. I have not had many side effects but now I am on prescription Vitamin D3 50,000 units every week for the next 3 months according to my doctor. My levels are at 18 and normal is 30-80 is what he told me. I hope this gives you some information.
   — trishhooper

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