9 Days Post op from RNY,Why am I now having discomfort in left incision?

Ok,yeterday I told you guys I had no pain at all.Well guess what, today I think I have ate those words!Does anyone know why I am having discomfort in the incision on the left side? I have been cleaning it properly and everything.I have a little cough and when I cough it hurts so bad in that incision.I seen mu doc on Friday and he said it was just my allergies.But of course I didn't have the pain until today.    — davonjack (posted on February 27, 2010)

February 27, 2010
Congrats on joining the losing side. I only had pain in one incision also, it was the one where the doc did most of the work so the muscles were very sore. I had pain then discomfort for several weeks. Good luck on your journey.
   — lisa L.

February 27, 2010
Watch the area for redness, swelling, and yourself for a temperature of any kind. You are also within the timeframe for having an incision infection. I had one in the same incision you are talking about. I really didn't even have any of the symptoms, except it felt like something was swelling under my skin. Just keep an eye on things.
   — Jessica285

February 27, 2010
Don't forget to take your pain meds if you need to.
   — Janell C.

February 27, 2010
Nothing to worry about ;-) -- just adhesions healing. As others have said its likely where most of the work was done. I too had adhesion twitches at a left incision point as well as an infection. Nothing major. My surgeon said most point of entry infections are minimal and although you might experience redness, perhaps some oozing and even a temperature that they typically heal on their own without intervention. Turns out he is/was right. I am now nearing 9 weeks post-RNY and you cannot even tell I had problems at that entry point; infection or otherwise. Good luck!!
   — momeego

February 27, 2010
Natasha, please see my comprehensive reply to your other question you posted related to the pain right below this question. It could be adhesions, it could be an infection (which while some are treated outpatient mine required 5 days inpatient), it could be any number of things. The best person to answer your question is your surgeon. Good luck and congratulations on making it over to the "losing" side LOL!
   — Kellye C.

February 28, 2010
A certain amount of pain 9 days out is pretty normal, from what I read. I'm 19 days out, pretty much pain-free at this point, but I remember feeling that cramping, sometimes burning feeling at the major incision on the left. I found that it helped to walk, walk, walk around the house... or at the store... to help ease that pain. And of course the walking is good for healing, too.
   — Greg K.

February 28, 2010
You also should remember if you are having to cough to hold a pillow to your abdomen when you do. It does help. Do talk to your doctor about this though.
   — Dusty Ray Vaughn

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