has anyone experienced balance difficulties post op?

I have had both patella (knee caps) removed many years ago following an auto accident and had both knees replaced in 1998 due to severe arthritis. i had RNY surgery 10 mos ago and have had 4 falls in the last 3-4 months, is there any relationship of losing 100 lbs to cause this? bj grndma    — bjgrndma (posted on March 31, 2006)

March 31, 2006
Call your PCP thats always best but the fast loss can upset our center of gravity. I lost over a 100 pounds in 6 months and was a klutz during much of that time. Are you getting dizzy?
   — bob-haller

March 31, 2006
I'm with Bob on this one, when you are losing weight so rapidly (as with WLS) your center of gravity changes daily. However, because you have had such extensive surgery on the most complicated joint in your body and one that helps maintain balance...I'd speak with your doctor about the issues you may be having. Good luck!
   — RebeccaP

March 31, 2006
I would also think that you are more active since you have lost the weight; hence you are out and about more and walking more opportunities to stumble/fall? Just a thought...
   — ocutieobiggsie

April 2, 2006
Where are your B1 & B12 levels? Please get them checked IMMEDIATELY, and then start taking a B100 Complex 2X/day, and 2500 mcg sublingual B12/day or B12 shots.
   — rayehawk

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