LADY'S a question about that time of the month

Do you seem to be hungrier about a week to a week and a half before you start your period I have noticed for the last few months I am so hungry at that time are you....april    — april-rose (posted on August 20, 2006)

August 20, 2006
OMG! I'm not the only one! lol. For me it's actually DURING my period. I just have this irresistible craving to snack, snack, snack. I'm just doing the best I can to snack on healthy things like SF jello, SF popsicles, fruit and veggies. I splurge on light popcorn sometimes but don't tell anyone. lol. I'm almost 5 mos post-op. Take care!
   — platypus

August 20, 2006
Now that you mentioned it I'm hungrier too. Just like the first poster I too have bad cravings for snacks during that time of the month and didnt realize it until you said something. Hope this helps.
   — tia24tx

August 20, 2006
ABSOLUTELY - just went through same thing & I snuck a few baked cheetos......I'm 8 weeks out. Couldn't help it & then realized why - I'll try to be more prepared next month!!
   — Kathleen F.

August 20, 2006
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one w/ this problem! I'm not necessarily hunger or hungrier. I just develop this insatiable appetite and want to constantly eat. It starts to happen 1 to 2 weeks before my cycle. I gain a few pounds and when the cycle is over, I'm back to my normal weight. I'm not a big chocolate eater but boy do I start to crave Hershey's chocolate and Reese's peanut butter cups. When it's all over, I could care less for the stuff and my normal appetite returns.

August 20, 2006
Me too!!! though I crave salty foods, and it seems to me that I lose more weight when I eat more during this time, I guess speeds up metabolism..hmmmm Though I feel guilty and have to bike or walk extra for the next
   — leahrobinson

August 21, 2006
Oh my my my....yes. I have a feeling a lot of us are going through this and noticing it more after surgery mainly because our hormones are now getting in order and things are a bit more predictable. I have PCOS and never had normal cycles until now, and now that I have had normal cycles for over a year I started seeing the pattern. It freaked me out at first. Couldn't figure out what my problem was. Then it dawned on me and I asked the same questions and got the same kind of replies. In talking to friends who have never had my hormonal issues, they had this all their life. Goes along with that PMS thing that I thought was a load of bunk...until now. Now I see my 'tude showing up and my hunger and my ZITS all in perfect timing each month. ::sigh:: Go figure. Anyway, the good news is that although my hunger seems ravenous and I can eat/hold a lot more food during this time of the month, it goes away for me once I start my period. I find that my pouch capacity once again shrinks (I swear I can eat twice as much at a sitting during PMS) afterwards, and I tend to be more disinterested in food then as well. More good news: Now that you know what is coming, you can plan ahead to battle the hungries with better food choices. Although the cravings are strong and sometimes you might not choose the right things, having the good stuff at the ready makes it easier to fall back on that. Dina
   — Dinka Doo

August 21, 2006
   — Novashannon

August 21, 2006
That is so funny....I strave too, it is those dang hormones...I have to double up on my nutrition.... I really have to watch myself, I could eat a box of Choc Fudge protein bars... I take Tang Qui a suppliment for just that... It is nice not to feel alone...Don't sometimes you think you could eat a horse??? Celeste
   — shakeyourweight

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