The area under my tummy (loose skin) gets rash and irritation even when washed often.

I need ideas on how to keep under my belly dry and clean.    — dib (posted on May 10, 2007)

May 10, 2007
Try some medicated baby powder and a shower a day is very important. I have dealth with the problems for years, and I use Monistat for vaginal yeast infections to make the rash subside. I have problems under my breasts and arm...but the best thing is showering, and drying the area even with a hair dryer to make sure it's very dry. Good luck, Diane
   — Diane C.

May 10, 2007
Well I have had the same problem in the past. I have found that if when after you get your shower you make sure that you are completely dry under the apron, if you take cornstarch use it like baby powder, it will absorb any moisture, theres no perfumes so it shouldn't break you out and it's cheap. I use a big makeup brush dip it in the corn starch, and apply to all the creases liberally and any skin that would touch together. If you find that you sweat because it's skin on skin contact, make sure that you wash every day, air dry then reapply cornstarch daily. This should help. I have done this for several years now, before and now after surgery and it has helped me. Sheryl. 11/20/06 open RNY
   — Sheryl H.

May 10, 2007
Hi Diane! Ooooh, I feel for you, I have that problem too. First off, you have to get dry and stay dry. After your shower, be sure to lift the skin and let the air in. If necessary, fold some paper towels and tuck them under the overhang. Once you're completely dry, use powder. Read the label carefully, make sure there is no cornstarch in it. You probably have a fungus infection, and cornstarch is like miracle gro for fungi! Choose a talc only powder. If you're really red and sore and weepy, just drying off won't help. You need medication first. My doctor recommends Lotrisone cream, which is my "miracle" cream. I use it any time I get red and itchy, or whenever I smell that popcornish smell that means a fungus is growing. It's fantastic! Hope this helps. And congratulations on your loose skin! Think of it as a badge of merit, earned for conspicuous achievement in weight loss! -- Mary
   — mwilson523

May 10, 2007
Diane. You are obviously not alone. I just saw my doctor yesterday with the same problem. He told me it was the dreaded yeast infection and to buy over-the-counter Lamisil for, yes, the feet. It will kill the bacteria and the infection will be gone. I was using zinc oxide or baby rash cream which would make it feel better and take the redness away, but not actually killing the bacteria. Good Luck!!!!!
   — Darlene G.

May 10, 2007
Sorry, I forgot to mention this. If you are getting rashes from the sagging skin (anywhere), be sure to have your doctor document it every time as it will help with getting insurance approval when it's time for getting all that skin removed. I think it's call "medical necessity".
   — Darlene G.

May 10, 2007
I didn't have any luck with the baby powder because my body got so warm it kinda melted the powder and made it a paste. Ick! I now use Lamisil and if it itches terribly, Vagisil. Works great. I think the key is just keeping it dry. And to reiterate what someone else said, document this! Take pictures, that helps. You can use this as evidence for a future tummy tuck or panni. Good luck! ~Sarah in VA
   — platypus

May 10, 2007
I am going to say something sort of contrary to what the others have said so far. I had the problems for years, too, and yes, washing and completely drying is the #1 remedy. After I have done that part, I liberaly apply oil...I usually use a good baby oil and then put in some lavender scented body oil just because I like lavender. I do this in the morning after I shower and then before I go to bed I put a medicated powder in the creases. I have lost almost 150 pounds, and I have not had the problem since I started this routine. I have never been diagnosed with yeast infection, but if you think that you have it, check with your doc and do what s/he says. Good luck. It is miserable!
   — cmancl

May 10, 2007
Hi Diane, I've had this problem for years too, to the point it even bleeds sometimes. I've tried the cornstartch, monistat and zinc powders.. nothing got rid of it, only lessened it some. Since my surgery and losing weight it became worse. About 2 months ago I started doing somethign different, I wash the area well, dry it good. I don't apply any creams or powders.. all I do is place a 4 x 4 piece of gauze opened up and folded in half in the fold. Change it daily... and amazingly, I have had no irritation anymore. The skin color has slowly changed back to normal and clear. I figure is cheap cure since I'm only 5 months post-op and when time to approach insurace for a tummy tuck all I have to do is stop the gauze and document when it returns. LOL A box of gauze has 25 packets with 2 in each one. $4 for about 2 months is worthi it to be irritation free. Hope this helps. Hugs, Cherryl
   — cherrylc

May 10, 2007
Try Gold Bond Medicated powder. It works great for me! ~~Betsy
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 10, 2007
All of the respodants are good ones already BUT remember to take pictures and tell/show your Primary Doctor to Medically Document these Physical Problems for further Records if you try to get your Insurance to pay for any Plastic Surgeries as Medically Necessary.
   — Michael Eak

May 10, 2007
Make sure you take pictures and document the problem, because your insurance might pay to get a tummy tuck if you are having such problems! I just keep mine clean and dry.
   — Novashannon

May 10, 2007
There is a gold lining that goes along with this problem-it makes it a medical necessity for a tummy tuck! I also had this problem and my doctor prescribed Nystatin powder, Prescription only. It worked like a charm! Best of luck to you and make sure your rash is documented by your doctor.
   — Patticake

May 10, 2007
Diane, thanks for writing. Here's the thing about skin rashes in these important areas. If you plan to try and get insurance coverage for skin removal, you need to run to your doctor each time you have an outbreak and get it logged in your medical records. Then do the perscribed things to get rid of it, and when it breaks out again, go back in and do it again. It is nobel to take care of it yourself, but it shoots you in the foot if you hope to have some skin removal later. The advice given you is good for self care though and can work. I used to make it really dry and then put a tissue or part of a paper towel on my flaps (the weight of the skin held it in my underware), and this helped dry them up. I had oozing stuff more than rash, but also had rash. If you are not gonna look to have skin removed, then you can just care for it, it is just part of what we go through when we lose a lot of weight. Take care, Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

May 11, 2007
Hi Diane... all are good responses. I just want to reiterate to get photos, but more importantly get it documented by you DOCTOR, so that when you apply for the plastic surgery for the TT, it can be deemed a "medical necessity". Good luck to you and "happy losing"....
   — Kari_K

May 11, 2007
I have had this problem fixed for years for myself. Now, I live in a dry climate & maybe this would not work in other parts of the country. I could never get my skin "dry" after my shower, so I learned to dry those areas of my body that get rashes & rubbings with my blow dryer. I dry my skin with the towel, then put on my make-up, etc, so my skin is as dry as it is going to get "naturally". Then I use my blow-dryer to finish drying those areas. Then they are "dry" before I put on any powders (which work best for me) or healing cream. I try to use the creams and softening lotions only at night, so my susceptible skin is "dry" during the day. Works for me & has for years. God Bless.
   — asinmouse

May 11, 2007
Neosporin (if a rash develops make sure you rub it all the way in as it will take away the pain of the rash) and then on top of that I have always used johnson & johnsons baby powder WITH cornstarch in it. It has a light scent and smells great.
   — crystalsno

May 11, 2007
Zeosorb is a anitfungal powder that keeps you dry and prevent the bacteria that causes the rash/breakdown. My dermatologist suggested this and it is wonderful. You can find it at wall mart in a white container near the goldbond powder. Its around $7-$8 but lasts a while a is very worth. By the way Priority Health approved me on the first try for a panniculectomy!!! I am hopefully having that done in October. Goodluck!
   — tazthewiz23

May 11, 2007
FIRST, document the rashes for what they are: yeast infections. Then to treat it for now, whatever you do, DO NOT USE POWDER OR CORNSTARCH! That's "food" to those yeastie beasties. When I was getting it documented at my derma, she was horrified that I was feeding it baby powder, baby powder with cornstarch or just cornstarch. She said, "AHA! No wonder!" Her treatment: wash, dry, apply an antifungal, such as is found in the athelte's foot dept (not gyn-products). Do this 3x per day for a few days, then twice a day, then once/day permanently, unless it flairs up, then start over. Wash, Dry, Apply. You always have to wash them off first, then dry to make the area inhospitable, then apply a barrier of "poison" (to them). As long as you sweat, of course, you'll have to keep treating. But I went from open sores to no rash doing this. The documentation got me my TT.
   — vitalady

May 11, 2007
run to your PCP -- have this all documented!! this is how you will get the insurance people to cover your plastic surgery!! they will prescribe a cream or something -- other than that just use powder or cornstarch to keep the area dry -- but documentation is the key to plastic surgery!! get your PCP to document this :) good luck to you :) use this to your advantage Roberta
   — RCassety

May 12, 2007
My neighbor had problems with her skin after her WLS, she had it documented well and her insurance paid for her tt since it was deemed medically necessary. Good Luck!!!
   — BrendaBoo

May 13, 2007
This is indeed a pain. I have found that it was helpful to tuck a clean, folded dry washcloth in those areas after drying. Not only will it absorb, but it "lifts" the skin up a bit, exposing the crease of the fold to air. I don't leave the cloths in, of course. I take them out as I am getting dressed. You should see your doctor, because you are probably suffering from some sort of yeast or fungal infection. They can prescribe something to take care of this. As others have mentioned, HAVE THE DOCTOR DOCUMENT THIS. It is what will get your approved for cosmetic surgery. Don't forget to also focus on the area under the breasts. You could also get a breast lift covered if you are dilligent in the documentation. Also, TAKE PICTURES OF THE AREA. This will help your cosmetic surgery request become a slam-dunk. Congrats on getting this far. :-)
   — karentherese

May 19, 2007
   — Roxanne piligno

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