Has anyone on state funded health insurance been approved for any plastic surgery?

I know that the only way they will do it ... is if it is medically necessary. But I wonder which procedures they have/will cover that is deemed "medically necessary." I'm wondering because if I'm not really careful I'm gonna trip on my boobs! LOL So you really is a SAFETY ISSUE! :)    — PaulaJ (posted on September 1, 2009)

September 1, 2009
My step sister is on public assistance and they did approve for her to have a breast reduction. That was a few years ago but I would say check on it, it could be possible. Good Luck..
   — sjh921

September 1, 2009
My step sister receive funding from the state and they did approve for her to have a brest reduction. This was over 2 years ago but I say go for it and see what happen. Good Luck..
   — sjh921

September 1, 2009
I just had breast reduction medicare paid for it I bet it is medicially necessary for you do u not have back pain, migraines, shoulder indents from braw, rashes under skin keep a log of any rashes and if you have ever been to the doc ofr pain pain headaches etc' I will tell you that medicare, medicade maybe changed in the near future to except weightloss skin to be medical neccessary to remove after losing the weight they just took my case and 4 others in front of a panel to show cases that are medicially necessarity but need to have the wording different in the law so hopefully soon,
   — Tammi Sandoval

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