I am scheduled for rny surgery oct fifth someone told me I may have to come home with

Drain tubes I thought they were removed in the hospital ANy information Thanks    — lulu37 (posted on September 9, 2009)

September 9, 2009
Hi Christy, It depends on your type of surgery and your surgeon. Not everyone comes home with a drain. I had my removed before I left the hospital. But my girlfriend had one when she went home. We both and Gastric Bypass but mine was laproscopic and hers was open.
   — DonnaRo

September 9, 2009
It depends on how much fluid is being drained when you are able to leave. I had lap rny (July 23) I went home with the tube in, while others had it taken out before they left. I REALLY wanted it taken out before I went home, but it wasn't so bad (it has to be emptied - luckily my mom is an rn and I did my recovery at her house, so she had that job. but the nurse will tell you what you need to know before you leave the hospital, and have whoever is picking you up sit in with the nurse when she goes over it with you.) You'll be great either way... don't worry about the drain. Best of Luck to you!!!!!
   — wendy-s

September 9, 2009
I had laprascopic Gastric By Pass surgery on 05/21/09 and came home with the Blake Drain in and it stayed for 10 days. I also had a feeding tube that stayed in for 5 weeks.
   — janethinds62

September 9, 2009
i had laproscopic done and due to how much i was draining i was sent home w/two in. they aren't painful just inconvenient and they look scarey. good luck
   — Julzizhr

September 9, 2009
I had RNY and was in the hospital 2 days. I did not need to have the drain tube at home, and had no drainage after.
   — lesleigh07

September 9, 2009
Everyone is different. I came home with a drain that was removed the next week at the doctor's office. I had laproscopic bypass. The drain isn't uncomfortable, usually it has a tab that you can pin to your bra or tee shirt. They are easy to empty and the nurse will show you what to do before you leave the hospital. Each doctor/hospital seems to have their own policy on drains. My friend (who had identical surgery but different surgeon and hospital) did not come home with a drain. Good luck! Be sure to ask your doctor if you can take Gas-X strips to the hospital - really helps with the gas!
   — Peggie

September 9, 2009
I went home without the tube in ( they remved it the morning that I went home), but it really was not a big deal. One thing - if you do go home wiht it, have your nurse WRITE DOWN all of her instructions, even if they seem simple - I was still on quite a bit of pain killer even when discharged and I couldn't rememberr everything they said a few days out. Writing a few things down for me would have been a biiiig help. Good luck!
   — stellarsan

September 10, 2009
My rny surgery was done laproscopic. I was in the hospital for 5 days and had 2 drains went home with the drains. Had an appointment with doctor 2 days later to get drains pulled. The drains that I had were called JP DRAINS(JACKSON PRATT DRAINS).
   — mland

September 11, 2009
Hi RNY 2008 I have lost almost 190 pounds I never had drains in the hospital or at home I had breast reduction Aug 5th I still have the drains actually 3rd time put in new drains yesterday just a tube the size of a fat straw open draining into a pad really not to bad just in the way and needs to be changed often best of luck a year out you will never even remember the beginning
   — Tammi Sandoval

September 11, 2009
First off, not all patients have to get drains. I had the drain in. My doctor removed it before I came home. I think they would rather remove it at the hospital than let you go home with it. I think it will mainly depend on how minimal the fluid in the bag is. Good Luck!
   — Nina15137

September 13, 2009
I had 2 drains, a Penrose Drain that they removed the day I left the hospital, and a JP drain that stayed in for 9 days. The drain is not painful, just inconvenient. You have to empty it twice a day and record how much drainage there is. I also had a tube going into the actual surgical site that was what they called an Indwelling automatic pain pump....and I had to remove that one myself after I'd been home for 3 days. The tubing was very tiny and soft, and tickled when I was removing it.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

September 28, 2009
I had laprascopic Gastric By Pass surgery on 9-01 I did not have any drains in after surgery at all.
   — kasshe1437

September 28, 2009
I had laprascopic Gastric By Pass surgery on 9-01 I did not have any drains in after surgery at all.
   — kasshe1437

September 29, 2009
No drains for me, either. Not in the hospital, or at home. I'm not sure how doctors determine whether or not they need to use one. I'm just glad that I didn't need one. I hope you don't either. Although, from what others have posted it doesn't seem like a huge deal...just inconvenient, as they have said. Good luck to you!!!
   — PaulaJ

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