What are the signs you might have a blood clot in your leg?

   — MARSHA D. (posted on October 1, 2001)

October 1, 2001
I believe you would have redness of the leg, and swelling. The whole leg would appear larger than the other leg, with a general uncomfortable feeling. If you think you have a problem, call your doctor immediately! Good luck.
   — Jennifer P.

October 1, 2001
I had blood clots years ago, and had no symptoms that could be seen. My leg hurt, like an strong achy hurt, that wouldnt go away unless i stood up and bent my knee. Like put my heel up to my butt. Then the pain stopped. If this is happening to you, please please go see your doctor, because blood clots are serious. He will probably do a sonogram of your legs (at least that's what mine did)
   — Monica H.

October 1, 2001
If you have to should be asking your doctor....asap.
   — [Anonymous]

October 1, 2001
I had a blood clot three years ago, It hurt like hell , and was very swollen..I had surgery this April, and I had a blood clot in my leg, that went to my lung, I didn't feel any pain....Don't wait, get checked out by your doctor, I was lucky. I didn't die, but a clot to the lung, is usually fatel...
   — Marie B.

February 21, 2004
I have had a couple of blood clots. They start feeling like a charley horse in your leg (the muscles contract to try and get the blood moving)and then your leg swells. At the area of the clot your skin will be red and feel very hot to touch. Mine was a huge clot, all the way up my leg. It has been 2 months and my leg is still not back to normal yet. But it started with a charley horse that I ignored. Then I had this little lump on the back of my leg that I also ignored. When a person can't see something, it doesn't exist. When I finally did find the lump, it was too late. The next morning, my entire leg was twice the size of the right one and the skin was very tight. It hurt. Don't ignore blood clots. Tell your Dr. right away.
   — lisaw072004

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