3 weeks out and very little weight loss

I had my operation on 11/2/05 and lost 15 lbs the first week. As of today, 11/23/05, I have not lost a single pound! I feel so depressed, like I did this for nothing! How can you be on a 600 - 700 calorie diet and not lose anything?    — col381 (posted on November 23, 2005)

November 22, 2005
Hi Coleen - Don't worry at all! by three weeks out I had lost 22 lbs. but during the 4th week I had gained 2 lbs.! This is not reason for concern. My doctor's office explained that it's normal. You may find you have weeks that you lose like crazy and then go through real dry spells that could last for weeks. IT WILL COME OFF. Hang in there!
   — johare

November 22, 2005
Hi, I would take a break from the scale for awhile and just enjoy your new life and journey. Use a measuring tape and your clothes for a guide. Don't let the scale be your guide only, it will make you frustrated when you are on plataeus. The weight will come off in it's one time and it's own way. Paula
   — shoutjoy

November 23, 2005
Fear not...I had my first plateau at about 3 weeks and I totally freaked out. Just keep doing exactly what your WLS surgeon tells you. Stay hydrated, walk as you feel able, and get lots of rest. Chew, chew, chew, and focus on getting protein. The weight is about to start falling off in chunks. Look at some of the "veteran" profiles and you'll see that a plateau at this stage is very common. Even so, I found it very upsetting. It will pass, and the wonderful weight loss honeymoon will begin. Brace yourself for an amazing ride.
   — bobbisheahan

November 23, 2005
Hello, I am 4 yrs. Post-Op. Just wanted to tell you not to worry. Having a major surgery and change to your body like WLS puts your body temporarily into a state of shock. It does not know how to act at the moment. But when it straightens itself out... Look Out..!! you can loose nothing for weeks and then drop 10lbs in one day..... Go figure... Take a break from the scale you will drive yourself nuts. Dont weigh untill you go back for check up. When things start going for you though it is good idea to keep track of weight in order to maintain but a few weeks of not checking wont hurt. Hope this helps. Your WLS friend Jo
   — Jo_Michalko

November 23, 2005
I am in the same boat right now. I had surgery Nov 1 and by Nov 16 I had lost 14 lbs, and now I am at a stand still. The blue binder book I got from my surgeon and also in Barbara Thompson's book, page 196, it talks about the hibernation syndrome, which says "within two to four weeks of surgery, the body realizes that it will not be getting the nourishment that it is used to receiving and reacts to that. Your body just wants to stay immobile until the old food supply returns. The best way to deal with the hibernation syndrome is to recongnize the symptons and know that you are normal. Then start to exercise so that your body becomes used to using your own body fat as a source of fuel. As soon as your body figures out that it has ample sources of fuel stored inside, and does not have to be constantly fed, the syndrome will end. It may take as long as two weeks for this to happen." Hope this helps.
   — Danita S.

November 24, 2005
Don't get depressed. My weight loss was very slow at first also. It seems to go in phases. Just be patient and do what was told for you to do and watch what you eat, you'll do fine.
   — Dorothy F.

November 25, 2005
Coleen-- fear not -- my partner is 2 years post op and she will go for a couple of months without losing a pound. She also went through this after the first few weeks of surgery. As someone said in a reply to you, stay off the scaled and use your clothes for a guide. Three weeks and your body is just healing itself. Once you are at a point were you are can exercise and eat -- the weight will come off. My partner is exercising to ON DEMAND FITNESS and HEALTH. They have exerises for your arms, abs, legs, etc. and alternate between them. Don't be discouraged, the weight will come off -- I see it coming off her all the time and then she looks in the mirror and goes I'm getting skinny. My response to her -- and fine. Keep it up, everything will work out. Just go and enjoy life --that is one of the reasons for the surgery -- isn't it?
   — the7thdean

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