Is there a message board with only Lap band patients?

Almost everything I read is patients that have had RNY or Gastric. Can you search somehow for only Lap band patients?    — smccorm (posted on January 23, 2006)

January 23, 2006 Welcome and hope this helps! Tammy Shaw
   — Baby Blues

January 24, 2006 I had RNY but I found out about this from a friend on another chat board. I sure hope this helps! Malissa
   — M Randell

January 24, 2006
Hi, Sherry .... The BEST board for pre- and post-banding patients in undoubtedly No other resource comes close. Intensive learning experience, lots of posts, but after you have posted several times, it is possible to read on the web only (choose the 'expanded' format) or choose to receive several digests a day. ---- Looking forward to seeing you there..... Theresa
   — SouthTX LapBand

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