colonoscopy prep

I am having a colonoscopy, and the doctor has ordered the "pill prep". It that the right way for a post bypass patient to prepare for the procedure? Mine was 7/02.    — fredorgan (posted on April 25, 2006)

April 25, 2006
I have had a colonscopy before and had to do the pill prep too.
   — tammy R.

April 25, 2006
What is the pill prep? I have a colonoscopy on Friday...but am not doing a pill thing i have to do all the milk of magnesia and this new thing called pico silex or something like that but no pill ... I am being put to sleep though. I am curious now...let me know please! Franca
   — Franca

April 25, 2006
Hi..according to the instructions, one takes 4 Visicol tablets every fifteen minutes til 20 tablets hve been downed, then top it off with ginger ale...several hours later, one takes 8 more tablets, (4, then four again fifteen miuntes later) plus 4 Dulcolax tablets. Sounds yummy. It just seems like so many pills to be dumping (no pun intended) into our pouch! Thanks for answering.
   — fredorgan

April 26, 2006
Have you checked with your surgeon? I had a colonoscopy several years before my operation. I did the drinking prep- a LOT of fluid. Maybe that's too much to get down with your pouch? Your surgeon will know.
   — Jenny1

April 26, 2006
I haven't had my surgery yet, so I don't have an answer for you. But, I did have a colonoscopy last year and your prep sounds a lot better than mine was. I had to drink a lot of nasty stuff mixed with a clear soda. Answer to previous question, yes you are put to sleep even though I woke up.
   — Lurnia Marie I.

April 27, 2006
Ask for a "LO-SO" prep. It is one cup of liquid that is much more palatible than the gallon of stuff. Also involved are 4 pills and small amounts of water. Then at the end of prep is a suppository (which I did not use - I knew there was nothing left in there!) If you can't get your DR. to do this, find one who will. I kept throwing up the gallon if stuff. The Bariatric Institute in Huntsville, AL is affiliated with my surgeon (Edward Facundas) and they sell the kit for $20 - it is not a prescription. Dr. F is a gastro-guy and did my pre-op colonoscopy using this. It worked great!
   — janetslp

April 27, 2006
They actually have a brand new in Canada anyway. It is called Pico Salax or something close to is 27 dollars canadian, but it is a packet that looks like a packet of neo citron mix it into a mug of water once in the early morning and then in the early afternoon and that is all the prep I have to do...its not so bad...I go in the morning and that is all I had to do today!! Bye for now Franca
   — Franca

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