Hernia Question

I am 8 months post op and have lost 80 lbs. YAY ME!!! At the time of my surgery, my doctor told me I had a hernia on the right side of my abdomin. I couldn't notice it before but now I can see it when I sneeze or cough and have actually felt it. I just wanted some advice on how quickly I should start the process of getting it removed and who should be the one to remove it. My surgeon is not in the same city as I am so he really isn't a option. Any ideas?    — tonifrisina (posted on August 9, 2006)

August 9, 2006
If you think there is any chance you'll want a tummy tuck in the furture, you may be able to get some of it paid for by having it done with the hernia repair. That is what a friend of mine did. Unless it is bothering you, i'd wait until you've reached your goal wait and maintained it for awhile, then see a surgeon about the repair and tt.
   — LauraA

August 10, 2006
A hernia is not removed. It is actually part of your intestine poking through the natural mesh that holds in your intestines and stomach, and other internal organs They will put the part of the intestine protruding, back inside and repair the mesh, probably by adding a piece of artificial mesh to the existing natural mesh. I believe a hernia of this sort can be repaired by most surgeons and you do not need to go to a bariatric surgeon for this repair. Check with your PCP first and she will refer you to a surgeon.
   — dande41

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