Am I a freak of nature??

So I am about two weeks post op. I had gastric bypass, I have lost about 25 lbs!! 250 down to 225! But I feel like......... hungry. :) I have been sticking to eating the 1/4 of pureed food like I am supposed to... but I am hungry... I think? I have not gotten sick... at all... should I have? I haven't had any problems... I feel like I #1 should have had some sort of problem? And #2 feel like I shouldn't be able to eat as much as I know I can, I have sneaked here and there, and know I can eat more then 1/4 cup... am I a freak or something???    — kristengirl1 (posted on November 18, 2008)

November 18, 2008
Don't assume that everyone get sick as a new post op. I attend 3 support meetings a month, and I'd say that 80% plus have zero problems getting sick as a new postop. You should stick the the protocol as to quantity of food. Your hunger is normally referred to as "head hunger". Most post ops are barely hungry at all for the first 3 months. Stick to the 2 oz meals as you surgeon wants. "Pushing it" now will only lead to pushing the envelop and trying the old things that got you to the point of surgery. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

November 18, 2008
I am a little over 2 yrs post op. I remember very well at 2 weeks I was the same way. At about 3.5 weeks, bam all that you list should be happening to you (based on previous postings) came about. Suddenly I could only eat that 1/4 ounce or less. What didnt make me sick before did at this point. Every one is different of course, but it seems to be the way of things for most. Doc said it takes that time for your pouch to heal. Good luck and congratulations loser!! :) It gets better and better, I promise.
   — dessary316

November 18, 2008
I am a little over 2 yrs post op. I remember very well at 2 weeks I was the same way. At about 3.5 weeks, bam all that you list should be happening to you (based on previous postings) came about. Suddenly I could only eat that 1/4 ounce or less. What didnt make me sick before did at this point. Every one is different of course, but it seems to be the way of things for most. Doc said it takes that time for your pouch to heal. Good luck and congratulations loser!! :) It gets better and better, I promise.
   — dessary316

November 18, 2008
You are certainly not a freak. It sounds like your surgeon did a great job with you and that you tolerate it well. We are in the same boat. I came through mine with flying colors and not a single problem. If you are really hungry talk to your nutritionist and see if you can add a little more food. Try not to sneak though. It gets you into those old feelings. Talk it over with your nutritionist. Good luck hon!
   — katiecakes

November 18, 2008
Testing your boundaries is pretty dangerous. The longer you wait, the better off you are. Always remember there is tummy hunger and then there is head and craving hunger. The hardest part is admitting to oneself that your tummy isn't hungry and it's your craving asking for you to fulfill it. Great job on your loss. If you weigh or measure your food, that's how much you will be eating, everytime you eat. If you eat til your full, THAT'S HOW MUCH YOU WILL BE EATING, everytime you eat!! Tread lightly and most of all, keep your eye on the prize.
   — bariatricdivalatina

November 18, 2008
WOW girl, we are like two of a kind, it's crazy! You just described me and my experience as well. I was 254 lbs. at surgery, lost a lot fast. I never felt sick, nothin' Food and water was fine, no problems whatsoever. SO... I am now two months and two days out. I have only lost 39 lbs. (not as much as I'd like to have) I say "only" because a good week will go by and my weight will stay the same, the next I might loose 3 or 4 lbs. This has been going on since my 3rd week out. I can't help to begin to worry whenever the weight doesn't budge that "Oh well, that was it, that's all the help I get" I know it's ridiculous, I just have to remind myself of that now and then! Anyways, I remember feeling just like you do! At one point I joked with my husband and surgeon that they didn't really give me the surgery, they just wanted to make me see how I could do it (starvation) on my own, (placebo surgery!) You will begin to get the feeling of restriction once your eating denser foods. Since I was in your exact spot, I've thrown up from overeating, and/or eating to fast. I've also dumped (off of mandarin oranges, of all things!) So, needless to say, you'll soon realize how REAL this surgery was, if you haven't yet!
   — paislieghstar

November 18, 2008
I'm glad others are talking about this issue...I feel the same way and I thought I was the only one. I'm struglling between head hunger and stomach hunger. I feel like I can eat a little more than I'm getting. I'm still only on pureed food...does this feeling change when you go to solids?
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 18, 2008
Everyone is different with their experience. When you are on liquids they seem "to go thru" quicker - solids will sit in the pouch for a longer period of time. : ) Good Luck - Nancy
   — Hope0818

November 19, 2008
Don't sneak your til you are not hungry, but don't eat til you are full...we all progress at our own rate...Maybe you need denser proteins to "feel" your food. 1/4 C of food is nuttin'.....THINK ABOUT IT! What did you used to eat before that 1/4 c of food? Yeah...well eating a little more than a 1/4 C is not going to stop your weight loss...just don't over eat..You know you've done that when you "feel" full or even sick...You are SUPPOSED to gradually eat more and more...I had no trouble either...although eating didn't feel great to me anymore...I could eat and didn't have dumping or anything except a little achy grumpy pouch feelings unless I over did things, then everything magnified...and I did over eat a few times! ( I still do if I'm not careful or being wreckless) Learn to listen to your pouch...Take the time to eat quietly and focus on your pouch and what you feel...After a while it truly guides you...I KNOW when I've taken only ONE bite too many...and if I ignore the little twinges and warnings...and I continue eating...I will pay for it in pain. This takes a long time to master and know as instinct rather than learning it as a new post op...But don't be afraid of progress...You need to begin eating more than a few tablespoons of food! I didn't feel hunger for about two years...It wasn't until I began eating a little simple carbs and some sugar until I got my full hunger and carb cravings back and I realized just how bad they can get if you don't de-carb and eat only complex carbs. Sugar after surgery has some pretty bad side effects on me....But then again so does artificial sugar...but that's another story! You are doing great! So don't be too hard on yourself! Don't push it either! :)
   — .Anita R.

November 19, 2008
are you drinking protein shakes, they tend to stay with you longer, and you don't feel as hungry, I had rny in Feb. and the first 3 months, I didn't care if I ate or not, I just made sure I drank 2 protein shakes a day, and even now I drink atleast 1 shake a day. I missed a day or 2 without my protein shake, and I was really hungry those days, so I started my protein again, hpe this helps.
   — Lisa Koch

November 20, 2008
Of course you're not a freak. I am 8 months post op and have lost 109 lb. I have NEVER thrown up since surgery (Not saying that I haven't wanted to). I am hungry ALL the time. I eat when I feel hungry and I don't always eat what I should and I have continued to lose weight. I know that it may catch up to me down the road but I'm hungry and I'm gonna eat. Just watch what you are putting into your mouth. It's okay to eat when you're hungry even if it's every hour on the hour as long as you don't push it too far to where you are so full that you are hurting or get sick and as long as it's not on candy and junk. I have a horrible sweet tooth and am not one to try and tell people to not eat candy and sweets because I do. I know what I should and shouldn't eat I'm just not a very good role model. Good luck to you and don't freak out about being hungry!!
   — Sillyguts

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