what happened to the 100 lb club

I haven't been on here in a long time, but I recall something called the 100 lb club, or something like that. Anyone who had lost 100 lbs or more got a card. Has this been discontinued. I was looking forward to being part of this and I am finally able to.    — Elisa Coffman (posted on January 3, 2009)

January 5, 2009
Someone else asked this same question shortly after I reached the "Century mark," and the response, as I recall, was that the practice had been "temporarily discontinued," but that there was some talk of starting it back up again. I have not heard any more about the practice since. It has been several months since this news was given to me.
   — hubarlow

January 7, 2009,messageboard/action,replies/board_id,5491/cat_id,5091/topic_id,3806614/
   — .Anita R.

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