Has anyone ever had a Hysteroscopy for Endometrial Ablation?

   — prdurham (posted on March 14, 2009)

March 14, 2009
I had a hysterscopy the same day before my thermal endrometrial ablation, they removed a big polyp then did the ablation. That was 12 yrs ago.
   — Jackie P.

March 15, 2009
I also have endometriosis and have not had this procedure but one of my good friends had it a month or so ago. It was an easy procedure for her and no periods! This is the state-of-the-art treatment right now! Best of luck to you!
   — GlitterGal

March 15, 2009
I have had this done, it is an easy procedure with no pain. I had this done in 2007, it is a very easy procedure, so women I know have had a few cramps afterward but no problems
   — MisMorgana

March 15, 2009
I had the NovaSure procedure in March 08. It was a piece of cake. It was an outpatient procedure, and I was back home in 2 hours (I just live 5 mins from the surgical center). Slept off the anesthesia that afternoon, and by dinner time that night it was as if nothing had ever happened. Completely back to normal the next day. The best part? No periods since. It's awesome!
   — LisaLisaInVa

March 15, 2009
I also had the ablasion. I had severe cramping for 5 days after the procedure which my doctor told me was very unusual. Since then I have not had any problems, no periods and feel great.
   — tazfan

March 16, 2009
I had an endometrial ablation and D&C one month prior to my gastric bypass surgery (June 08). It was a piece of cake! It was done as an outpatient procedure and I was home by about 2 pm that afternoon. My periods have been spotty and absolutely no big deal since. Wish I'd done it so much earlier than I did instead of suffering through periods that lasted weeks and were so incredibly heavy they were gross. Good luck!
   — dnefews

March 16, 2009
I had one in October 2008 after having terrible periods and PMDD since my last child was born in 1995 and I had my tubes tied at the same time! It was great! I wish I had had it done sooner!I havent had a period since then and my moods are 100 times better!
   — teachergrl1967

March 16, 2009
Hi I had the ablasion done..and then had to have a hysterectomy a few months later..My periods got worse than before the ablasion...Good luck.
   — Jennifer M.

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