dumb question

Does anyone else have a sore butt due to lack of padding? I feel like i bruised mine from sitting on a wooden bench. I just wanted to know if this has happened to anyone else and what did you do to relieve it.    — bikermama (posted on April 29, 2009)

April 29, 2009
Aww...I hear that all the time...I have to say, my butt was so big, (how big was it?) So big that small children could find shade under it...and taller people could use it as a table! I still got some left...I really feel for you all with no butt left! But yes on a serious note...many people experience this and I've even heard of some breaking their tail bones because they are used to plopping down and it can snap! So find nice cushy places to sit!
   — .Anita R.

April 29, 2009
Hi.. OH YES...also found that my knees clunk together when I roll over..when trying to sleep. LOL These are the things NO one told us! But I am OK with all these newly found bones.
   — tootsie52

April 29, 2009
Ha, ha, ha how true! Yes, my butt hurts if I sit for too long, before, it would fall asleep if I sat too long..oh the perils of being thin!!! Just be careful not to sit down too hard and make sure you get up frequently and move around. Good luck to you! Ana Villa, RN
   — nursevilla

April 30, 2009
Oh brother is this problem...and Julie...I sure know what you mean about knees...and did I mention shoulders? My kids complain I have no shoulders left for them to lay their heads on....Oh well....:) Cindy S.
   — Cynthia S.

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