constant headaches!

What is everyone taking when they have a headache? I know we (RNY people) aren't allowed Ibuprofen or Aleve. Tylenol doesn't do a thing for me. Any suggestions? Thanks!    — SarahMascara (posted on February 10, 2010)

February 10, 2010
You can try aspirin free Excedrin.
   — Hilkerrt

February 10, 2010
The only thing we are allowed to take is Tylenol. I use the extra strength gel caps. But if your having constant headaches you should check with your doctor. Are you getting enough liquids in?? I think headaches are a sign of dehydration. Always better to ask.
   — ToniLee

February 10, 2010
I get headaches when my fluid intake is low for the day. Try drinking something and be sure to be hydrated. Also, put your feet in hot water...I mean as hot as you can stand it, even if you have to dunk them in out until you can submerge your feet. This is a trick I learned from suffering from migraines. It may not get rid of it completely, but it used to knock it down enough where I could sleep...Soak for about 10-15 minutes. Any headache is caused from too much blood int he brian and hot water draws it down to your feet. My neurologist told me this years ago and it never failed to help. Best of luck to you! Hugs,Kim
   — gpcmist

February 11, 2010
If you are having daily headaches you should look for the cause and see what can be done to stop them. they can be a sign of major problems.
   — trible

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