Having second thoughts....

I am scheduled to have realize lap band done June 14th. For the first time I have taken a gander at some before and after photos and I am having second thoughts. I know it is all about how I tend to my body after the surgery, and how hard I work is how fast the pounds will come off. But now I am wondering is this really true? In most of the photos that I had clicked through, most woman have only lost less then 50 lbs a year out. I was hopping for being close to my goal WL (130lbs in a year). Is this being unrealistic? Am I reaching for a goal that is just not going to happen?!?!??!    — ReneeKelly (posted on May 3, 2010)

May 3, 2010
I had the realize band 12/24/09, I have lost 54 lbs and I have 9cc's in 11 cc band. I am 4 1/2mo. out. My weight loss has slowed, but I'm not able to excercise as much as I should. You may want to discuss this concern with your surgeon, there are other options.
   — T R.

May 3, 2010
I had my realize band Jan. 5, 2010 and have been doing great.I have lost 59 lbs. in 4 months. There are other options but for me it was too severe. Drink your water and be sure to maintain the protien levels you need for faster weight loss. Shakes are the easiest way to do that. I add frozen blueberries to my vanilla shake for morning. Usually a small Wendy's chili for lunch, another shake for snack and or dinner. Never miss your vitamins and also the protien shots from Walmart help you get all your protiens in. Small meals or snacks about every 2-3 hours has worked very well for me. Also, add Miralax powder to your hot tea to stay regular. Dulcolax pills have been great also it is not a stimulant. I also have a neighbor who has lost 110 lbs. in 10 months. Soup is so easy and satisfying too. Enough Proteins and enough water is the key. I have found some great websites for great shake and protein bars and even protein hot chocolate. is a great source. You will be amazed.The whey protein shake Optimum from has unbelievable wonderful flavors.bananna strawberry and I even add frozen blueberrys to that each morning with skim milk, vanilla ice cream flavor shake, orange cream, extreme chocolate and on and on.... I did alot of research and lapband seemed the safest for me. Last year lapband is done more now than the gastric bypass. The vertical sleeve is another but it also is permanant. Write down your lists of concerns and talk to your doctor. I know of many people who have lost over 100 pounds and they keep losing. It is up to you to follow the things you are supposed to do with lapband or anything else it is only a tool. You must set yourself up for success not failure. You can lose the weight. I have 113 more to go. I weigh in on the first and 15th of each month. I just quietly go in and weigh myself the nurses do not mind and of course there is no charge. I have only had one fill 3cc in a 14cc large band and doing fine. The doctor said some people never need a fill after that. Good luck. Always stay positive and stay aware with food choices and you will be fine with whatever you decide. Always watch your carb intake.
   — luc

May 3, 2010
Well said Lou Chestnut! I did not have the band, my Dr. told me to have the RNY, I wished my insurance would have paid for the vertical sleeve, but they didn't then, now they do, I think I would have gone for that one. Do I have regrets, ahhh not too many, but it is rough this recovery.
   — FSUMom

May 3, 2010
I really can't add much beyond what Lou said except this tiny little tidbit. Everyone is unique in their own way. Some lose weight faster and others get off to a slower start. I had the Lapband on 2/11/10. I've had no fills as yet and as of yesterday have lost 67 lbs. These are NOT TYPICAL results as my surgeon discussed with me. Ideally you should lose about 2 lbs a week...I've gone beyond that and not on purpose. When I started this journey I weighed 391. By all accounts the larger you are when you start...the faster you lose initially. As for your want to lose 130 a year..that's 2.5 lbs a week for 52 weeks. Please remember this...its not the destination its the journey. This surgery or any WLS is not a quick fix..its not another fad diet...its a lifestyle change and changes takes time. Hope this helps...
   — kchooker

May 3, 2010
Second thoughts are normal. But stay focused. That leads me to my question to you. What is the real reason for you considering WLS? We have all lost and gained weight - massive amounts of weight. We all know how to do that! That's not the problem. We can lose it....but not long term. That's what this is for. A long term TOOL to keep the weight off. I'm not concerned with how fast I lose my weight, all I know is that when it's gone, it's not coming back if I am diligent. Remember you get out of it what you put into it! For me, that is the point. What is your objective? You probably know if you want to lose 130 lbs you can. But, will you keep it off? This is not something to take lightly, you definitely should talk to your doctor/surgeon about your concerns, wants and realities. It is not an easy decision; it took me 4 years to decide. It is the best thing I have done for myself. Let us know what you decide. Good luck!
   — lryan106

May 3, 2010
Hi there! I chose the RNY because my research showed that most (I repeat - MOST) lapbanders do not lose as much or as quickly as bypass patients. I think your success rests largely on your determination to follow the "plan" and MAKE it work for you. Many banders find a way around the rules, and end up not losing much at all. But if you're committed to your health and to eating right, you'll do just fine. I chose the more severe RNY because there are consequences to "bad behavior" - like dumping syndrome - and I felt that I needed the threat of that to keep myself in line. In one year, I lost 140 pounds and am at my goal weight. Now, it's just a matter of continuing to eat right, and I should stay within 2 or 3 pounds. I went from a size 28 pants to a size 8, a size 3X shirt (or size 28) to a size 12-14, or medium. I haven't submitted my before and after photos yet, but will be doing that soon! P.S. I am 56, and had this surgery a year ago March, at the age of 58. And the only complication I've had was one round with a stricture, which was quickly fixed with a dilation procedure that was fast and painless on an outpatient basis.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

May 4, 2010
My surgery is also on June 14th. I think it is all how you listen to and do what your doctor tells you. It's very important to go to support meetings I am told. I think I am going to do that. I still have many questions but I find the people in OH very willing to answer my questions. Good luck to you. I hope to meet you on June 14th.
   — Carol2010

May 4, 2010
Second thoughts are totally natural. In my own journey, I scheduled an appointment with a WLS facility about 3 years ago and cancelled. Then, I actually went in and talked to a different facility two years ago and discussed lap band. I made a second appointment and then cancelled out of that too. Finally, I made the decision to go talk to yet a third office about 6 weeks ago. I went in planning on lap band and ended up selecting the sleeve. Not saying that's right for everyone, but it fit my lifestyle and my desire for low followup and maintenance. This time, when I made the decision, I felt confident it was the right one. I actually felt that I had already made a permanent life change just having made the decision. I am 2 weeks and 1 day post op now and have absolutely zero regrets. I will admit that I underestimated how tough it would be the first few days out of the hospital, but the recovery curve was a steep incline after the first two days. I was walking for exercise by day three, and have got in at least one hour of fast walking daily since that second week began. I'm still on liquids only, but its a very small sacrifice compared to the payoff. And I'll get to go to pureed food next week, then real foods two weeks later. As for results - I lost 15 pounds in my 2-week pre-op liquid diet (also got back on the jogging and tennis routine), and I've lost another 14 pounds in the 15 days since my surgery. I'm sure it's probably not typical - my doctor told me I would be lucky to get 10 in a month (my surgery weight was 223). But I'm enjoying it while I can, have promised myself not to get disappointed when it naturally slows down, and I can promise that I'm working it on the fitness side as hard as my recovery will allow me. I can't wait to be able to jog again - I'd do it now if the doctor had not said to wait for 6 weeks just to make sure everything is healed. Best of luck in finding the solution that works best for you...
   — HLB

May 4, 2010
Thank you everyone for your answers. I guess I should have explained a little better on why I have set my goal in such a short time frame. I am and have always been called an overachiever. I have tried EVERY fad, pill, group, and then some to lose weight. And some have worked but in long term the weight came back and found a few friends along the way. When I was told I had PCOS, and after seeing doctor after doctor to just hope that I would be told that the first doctor was turns out that he wasn't. My husband and I just celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary and want to start a family. Our doctor had told me that if I loose 115 lbs that would "jump-start" my body and we may not have to do fertility treatments. That is when the overachiever in me kicked in and had said 115 lbs...nope I wanna lose 130 lbs. I understand this is not a "quick fix" and believe me when I say I have done my research on the pros/cons of having the lap band done. Again thank you to everyone who took the time to write to me. <3 Lots and lots of love!!!!
   — ReneeKelly

May 6, 2010
Renee, I just had the Realize Band put in on Tuesday, May 4th and I feel terrific! I'm walking, showering, bending down, sleeping well and so far I haven't been really hungry. I'm eating popsicles, protein drink, jello, decaf tea, etc. The surgery was a breeze and I'm 57 years old. So far, no regrets. My son has lost 100 lbs since Oct. 2009 and I know a woman my age who had her surgery in Nov. 2009 and she's lost 60 so all I can say is go for it. It will make life better for you and give you a longer life. Best of luck!
   — jackmom1484

May 8, 2010
My surgery is planned for the same day. We will do fantastic! There is so much support here.
   — stayinalive

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