What would happen if i fasted for a few days?

I am 2 1/2 years out. Thanks all.    — janey (posted on January 19, 2006)

January 19, 2006
I believe if your fasting for GOD and the right reasons and Not just to lose weight then you will be just fine as God will take care of you... and sometimes losing is just one of the beifits that comes along with fasting... Blessings Flo
   — Flo

January 19, 2006
Hi Janey, Fasting for a few days will definitely jump start a weight loss, just make sure you drink nothing but water for most of the day, that will also help your stomach clear out. Maybe eat a piece of fruit at the end of the fasting days. But it does work, and make sure you get some exercise in at the same time, you'll be surprised at the difference it will make.
   — Racegirl1

January 19, 2006
I've thought about it too. However part of the reason I needed wls was that I fasted to much over the years. It slowed my metabolism. Actually I'm afraid to fast now... what if I slow it more? As far as fasting for the right reasons, (as one poster said) I fully understand that but respectfully don't agree. I remember well being bapitisied in a pond on an extremely cold day. I too believed God would take care of me as "I was doing it for the right reasons, and a good heart". Let me tell you, I was extremely sick for a week! No more do I ever trust "right reasons" for anything. Use your brain first is my motto. So use your own judgment on whether to fast or not. I hope it works for you. Good day! :)
   — Danmark

January 20, 2006
You are talking about deleting sold food only, right? Still doing your protein shakes, water and vitamins?
   — vitalady

January 20, 2006
What does your doctor say? Best of luck. Kasey 365/210 (nonop)
   — Kasey

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