My back hasn't been the same since surgery

Overall, I feel so much better at almost 4 yrs postop. But my back started giving me pains at about 3 months post-op. Originally, my doc explained it as my body adjusting to redistribution of weight, loss of weight, etc. Most recently, my new doc has taken x-rays and has told me that I have back bone spurs and need to see a specialist. Everthing i read on internet indicates this is normally found in elderly folks- but i am 36 years old. most days i cry from the pain, and find it unbearable to bend over, sit for long, stand for long, etc. I'm slowly gaining weight, because i can barely move about at work now, and am not a very good example to my employees because i can't even smile at work anymore, i'm in such pain. Has anyone dealt with back bone spurs and have any advice...please help!!    — Jennifer C (posted on February 25, 2006)

February 25, 2006
2nd the chiroprator, and a good one will referyou to a surgeon if its indicated, i spent several years on meds and pt, when a chiroprator, I met on the ski patrol, said, hey come visit me, what insurance pays will do, and i had relief in 3 months. ,
   — walter A.

February 25, 2006
I third ~ receiving an adjustment by a chiropractor !!!! You will notice a difference i swear
   — tiffany E.

February 25, 2006
I knew someone who had spurs and they where given cortisone injections that dissolved the spurs can they not do that for You I agree that a chiropractor is good for everyone even those who aren't in pain they work wonders but I don't know if this is a case that they could help on because spurs are calcium deposits that need gotten rid of somehow and you can't pop them suckers loose. I feel for You. Best Wishes
   — Shell G

February 25, 2006
I'd suggest going to see whatever specialist your doctor refers you to. A chiropractor might be helpful but I'd still suggest you follow up with whomever your doctor thinks you should see. I was told that I have bone spurs on my spine. But since they don't bother me, no one has every sent me anywhere to have them looked at. You said you are in pain because of the spurs... maybe your doctor could send you to a pain management clinic. Good luck to you!
   — mrsidknee

February 26, 2006
Hi, Ive had 3 back surgeries in 1991-1992 and am still in alot of pain. I am going for the gastric surgery in March-April. 4Yrs ago the Dr in NC wanted to do surgery for another herniated disc. I waited and a year later I went back because my hip was acting up. Took another MRI and this time he said I didn't need surgery for back and no hip problem. Thank You Jesus! I do have alot of scar tissue that is growing on my nerves that causes alot of pain and I also have Degenerative Disc Disease. I'm not too sure if it will get better pain wise but I know the weight has alot to do with it even thou the Dr says No. He did say you need to loose weight but it won't change the outcome of the problem. We will see soon! Whatever you do always make sure you investigate the Dr you have for surgery if you go that route. The 1rst surgery left me damaged like no feeling from waist on down. They had me stand up and I couldn't feel the floor but they sent me home that way. Until the next day or too, I would wet the bed because I had no feeling there either. The Dr came to my house and pricked me with a pin and couldn't feel it. In some areas I still can't feel it. The day of surgery Jesus told me not to go thru it but I didn't listen and thought they would just think I was scared. Afterwards there was a suit and I found out that he had about 30 suits against him for the same problem. I got the information online. I'll be praying for you. Please email me and let me know how you are doing and maybe you can help me theu the process of post op and after. God Bless You, Kathy
   — Kathleen Robinson

February 26, 2006
I had a back problem before the surgery and really hoped that the weight loss would help with the back pain. I have now lost 244 pounds but my back pain still remains. I take 8 pain killers a day and have seen every doctor and specialist under the sun. I have seen pain management specialists, physical therapists, and whoever else you want to throw into the mix. I am beginning to believe that being overweight and back problems truly have nothing to do with one another.
   — Tom

February 27, 2006
Please follow up and see a specialitst, the bone spurs are with you for life, Unfortunately I have spurs in several of my joints too. I have to rely on join injections for my hip, I didn't have a single hip pain ever until 4 months after WLS. Being morbidly obese for many years aggrevated an underlying condition. I'm 35 , and I'd be damned if I went though WLS to let something else sideline me, I'm far too young to have my life be over and be a disability case. Maybe now your back is trouble because you're alot more active than you were before WLS. Good Luck
   — goldroses

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