Did your eyeballs get smaller?

I think my eyes have gotten larger as my weight increased - my contact sizes went up. I'm just wondering if I ought to expect changes in my vision related to a change in eyeball size? Anyone have experience with this?    — Tin K. (posted on April 8, 2006)

April 7, 2006
My contacts don't have sizes, are you sure it's not prescription or compensation for astigmatism? Eyes don't have adipose tissue, I don't see how they could have become larger with weight or smaller when weight is lost.
   — RebeccaP

April 7, 2006
LOL! I was wondering where this question was going. Thanks! I needed a smile this morning. ;) I hope to get contacts this year. Don't know about eyes getting smaller but my vision is getting worse fast these last few years. I'm guessing it's "age" related, but it has all been since wls. Probally the malnutrician aspect of wls does'nt help.... but eyes getting smaller??? :) Interesting!
   — Danmark

April 7, 2006
Yeah they mentioned vision can change after WLS for a variety of reasons.. Weight loss changes eyeballs a little and for those diabetic the changing blood sugars effect vision too.
   — bob-haller

April 8, 2006
I was looking at my drivers license the other day and can see how small my eyes looked. I guess it was all that fat on my face!
   — scarlet

April 8, 2006
The size of my contacts didn't change but my family says my eyes are bigger. It's because I have lost weight in my face and you can see them better. They were big to begin with but now bigger. I am 13 months out and no change in rx at the last eye appointment.
   — Louise P.

April 8, 2006
Hmmm...I thought your eyes were the one thing that never changed even from birth; your eyes are supposed to never change in size. Maybe an optical illusion? The shape can change which would affect vision but the size, I don't think so.
   — ocutieobiggsie

April 9, 2006
Ocutie, I think you are right. I know that the fluid inside the eye (vitreous humor) doesn't recirculate; it's the same fluid that you are born with. Which, if your eyes grew, you would need more fluid and that doesn't happen. The outer chamber has fluid that does recirculate and is where problems arise from swelling as seen with diabetes and glaucoma.
   — RebeccaP

April 9, 2006
I had almost 100% improvement in my vision since rny. My doctor has no idea what caused it. The eye doctor said that there is fat behind the eye and if it decreased it would help improve ones vision. patti
   — connepa1

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